*Unlimited* Disposable Email Aliases
(to vote for unlimited alias, visit https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483/suggestions/45394132)
Startmail explains it perfectly. They offer unlimited disposable aliases, which expire within a given amount of time. They also offer custom aliases which can be saved and used indefinitely.
It is the disposable alias which will help protect privacy, when submiting an email to an untrusted recipient. After all, how much privacy do we have if our fixed emails become the foundation for building and selling our marketing profiles, just as is done by gmail. We limit personal activity virtual trails by disposing of aliases for casual uses. But, unlike custom aliases, which build on our identifiable original email address, disposable aliases divert from our true email identity by utilizing a sub-domain created for this specific purpose, such as: xxx@tda.protonmail.com (tda = temporary disposable alias)
You avoid abuse by limiting disposable alias creation on a daily basis. Perhaps 5 max per day.
Here is Startmail's explanation:
The Blur service (by Abine) also offers a "masked mail" free service. But their service is not encrypted:

ali commented
Proton already offers this feature in 2 places.
1. Catch-all email in Proton Unlimited plan
2. Paid plan of SimpleLogin.If you already are a paying customer and don't want to pay for 1 more subscription, 1st option if for you. After setting up catch-all email with custom domain, you can use any username@yourdomain.tld as alias without setting it up in settings as another address.
If you want unlimited alias without adding custom domain, then I am sorry but you have to use a service which specialises on email alias, such as SimpleLogin or Firefox Relay. Firefox Relay is the cheaper option.
I'm gonna vote for "Not at all" because even though proton mail isn't for managing aliases, it does offer that feature, albeit some setup by user is required.
[Deleted User] commented
https://mail.tm/en/ - it would be interesting if protonmail had a public api to send and receive emails temporarily - which after a while gets deleted
J commented
I was really hoping that with the newest update they would surprise us with unlimited aliases since they acquired SimpleLogin. I really like the new VPN service, but it is expensive to pay for proton unlimited and another service like StartMail. StartMail is better since it is a singular product and I don't have to do extra steps to initiate a conversation using an alias like I would with SimpleLogin. This is the new way of doing email and if Proton doesn't start listening to it's customers it is going to lose out to StartMail. With over 14,000 votes and it is still under review. They better figure out something or I'm going to have to move on from their email. I can't get anonymity with 15 addresses.
Joe Smith commented
Disposable generatable aliases that auto expire after a set amount of time that can be used to send and reply
LL BB commented
This move suggests it will likely be coming:
https://protonmail.com/blog/proton-and-simplelogin-join-forces/ -
lorenzopiani commented
coming from neomailbox , I really miss their disposable emails ie:
very useful to catch whoever spams, the key is choosen during registration (one per user)
it's way better then using "+" that is easier to spot and automatically removed by bots
at the same time it'll be useful to have the opposite of a catchall address: multiple sink addresses (in a list) that are sent to dev/null that's because when you use an old domain you have some usernames infested by spam (ie info, domain@domain etc..)
if this 2 features are implemented I'll switch to protonmail the day after
Billbo746 commented
Fastmail has masked emails and they work fantastic with 1password! Would absolutely love if Proton would do the exact same!
Billbo746 commented
I agree this would be a great privacy feature for Proton!
Ian Gutjahr commented
This would be a fantastic feature for Protonmail!!
Anonymous commented
if the url changes, sites will block it as a "disposible"
a better way would just be for protonmail to generate random long usernames that no one will ever want (this would save from pool of good usernames being used) example 23487gqerjk2347@protonmail.com -
Eoin commented
Integrate with 1Password's Masked Email feature to enable easy creation of disposable email addresses during registration/sign-up on third party sites.
More info on Masked Email: https://blog.1password.com/fastmail-masked-email/
Robert commented
Yea I really wish I had an email relay feature like SimpleLogin, Firefox Relay, or Apple Private Relay integrated into ProtonMail. That would make perfect sense for this product!
Luis Daniel commented
The integration of 1 Password with FastMail on this idea is a great plus. Wish I could do the same with ProtonMail.
D commented
Love the idea. I use mailgw.com which is great!
I make one alias for each online account, so I can dispose any abused email
And track the guilty database / service -
Anonymous commented
How do we dismiss email with +sign ?
I guess, we have to create a rule that trash the mail as soon as ti arrive as we never define the mail in protonmail?As others comment below, this, doesn't help to hide the email address and some server reject this type of email address. :- (
Anonymous commented
Any updates here? This has been open for nearly 5 years now, and under review for 4?
Anthony Lei commented
Duckduckgo is launching an email protection service, we need to step up the game and implement this feature!
https://www.spreadprivacy.com/introducing-email-protection-beta/ -
George commented
Nice idea
輿水 拓海 commented
That's a great feature. I don't want to use simplelogin anymore. Please include this feature to the freeplan too.
Name commented
Also with the ability to send email from the alias.