Block sender
It would be great to be able to block certain email addresses from being able to send you emails. Not just a filter to go to “spam” but being able to actually block the sender totally

Noranoo commented
Please....a BOUNCE BUTTON. I upgraded to plus but cannot make head nor tail of Sieve instructions. I need to block certain people...they are now blacklisted, so will go into spam, but seeing as I have to delete spam folder, I will know that they are still trying to hound me.
This has been asked for many, many times and over a long period of time.Please....tell me why this is not a feature?
Anonymous commented
Should be able to select individual emails and just click "bounce"
pnobulls commented has this feature, where people can type a address and decide what to do with it.
Caleb Patterson commented
That way it can clean out my SH*T in my inbox.
Anonymous commented
This is a very important feature any email account should have implemented. I can't keep my premium account if this feature will not be added in the future. Protonmail is a great service and I have recommended it to all my friends.
Anonymous commented
Have a feature to block spam (i.e. return error message to sender as if address doesn't even exist), as opposed to blacklisting it to spam folder.
Anonymous commented
I have been receiving email scam/bitcoin threats to custom business email. \is it possible to block selected email addresses
Ian commented
Amen, amen!! Sending unwanted email into the spam folder is NOT good enough!
Ian commented
When are you going to provide an actual block function? That is, when are you going to provide the means to actually block (stop all email) from even entering one's account. Not even make it into the spam folder, but make it bounce back to the address it was sent from?
There are nasty people in this world & I'm related to at least one & I don't want any of their email being able to get anywhere near my account!
pnobulls commented
a current easy fix for this is just send the e-mail you want blocked to spam, that is what I do. A better fix would be to have a way to just delete e-mail you don't want, meaning directly get rid or meaning just delete and by pass the trash. Proton could do this by add a future in the filters, to where people can move to delete instead of spam.
pnobulls commented
that would be nice, great idea,
Anonymous commented
i have protonmail a view days now and want to block a emailadres he is bothering me with stopid mails. Can i block this? and how, i put it now in the spambox...
Anonymous commented
You need to add this feature immediately.
Anonymous commented
@boris how do I enable that script? sorry I'm not too technical :) But I need to block certian addresses....they're so annoying lol
pnobulls commented
I had a hard time E-mail some people, that I really need to, It makes me wonder if some E-mail Clients, have this feature, included already!
No need for that commented
I definitely agree a block sender button is desperately needed. I am having issues with some a-hole bothering me.
Boris commented
This little sieve script will do the job.
All emails in the blacklist will be ignored.#discard email if the sender is in the black list
require ["extlists"];
if header :list "from" ":incomingdefaults:spam"{discard;} -
david commented
Please add option to block an email address, to stop unwanted emails getting through. fed up of spam, Protonmail needs to do more and I am a user but its wearing thin.
Anonymous commented
Essential feature!!
People are trying to actively blackmail me, if I can't block them they will get what they want. -
Anonymous commented
Button to Automatically, Instantly/Permanently Block/Delete E-Mail Sent From Specific Senders And/Or Domains. So, with One Click All E-Mail Sent to any Proton E-Mail Account From Specific Senders And/Or Domains can be Instantly, Permanently Blocked/Deleted without having to Sieve/Filter/Blacklist it.
And/Or Being Able to Instantly/Permanently Block and Delete
E-Mail Sent From Senders/Domains By Entering Specific Words/Phrases. So, if an E-Mail Sent to a Proton E-Mail
Account contains a Word/Name which is associated with a
Specific Sender or Domain, it can be be instantly Permanently Blocked and Deleted. For example if an E-Mail Sent To a Proton Account contains the Phrase, "Extend Warrantee" or "Refinance" this E-Mail would be instantly Blocked and Deleted.