Snooze email in web app
Having the ability to snooze and schedule emails would be really great! Thanks for your consideration, these are the only two features I miss from Gmail.
Snoozing an email through the web app is now available!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback!
To follow progress on snoozing from the mobile app, please follow:
Robert Sigler commented
This is a major feature missing when compared to gmail and Outlook. I’d love to see it implemented in ProtonMail.
Jim commented
Agree--very good way to manage email load and move things away that can be done later.
Matt Noble commented
I absolutely agree! Please make this a feature I will move to proton completely if this is added.
Even more so if Proton Mail add that feature that Google Inbox had (which they've not added to GMAIL) which is the creation of reminders (as in just a generic reminder that used the snooze function...not necessarily attached to an email). I used it allllll the time (now going to look if that's been posted as a feature request).
Anonymous commented
Wanted to also +1 this. Devs this would be an awesome feature!
EB commented
I love to see this feature in Protonmail. It gives me an ordered and stuctured inbox.
I know that, for example, Spark Mail has this feature. Don't need all of those features. Snooze would be helpful !This request comes from a paid user, who loves ProtonMail and ProtonVPN
Anonymous commented
When this comes in ProtonMail, I will be leaving GMail immediately.
Jen Hovna commented
Only one missing feature to be completely satisfied with protonmail.
Gavin commented
Request to implement "snooze" similar to other email programs (email is hidden from inbox for a chosen period of time). Thanks!
Brandon Philips commented
Only feature holding me back from moving over from GMail! Already a paid customer to support this feature.
Hubert Beres commented
Ability to delegate a task to oneself in the future is absolutely critical for keeping ones inbox clean. This should not be overly difficult to implement and is a must-have feature for all email providers in the 21st century. Please, understand that finally!
On that note, when you go and implement, remember to include:
1. Keyboard shortcuts
2. A couple of preset dates
3. Custom date/time setter, preferably with free text entry for interpreting stuff like '2h' or 'tomorrow morning'. See stuff like ClickUp or Clockify for how this can be done... -
Carlos commented
Second this, migrating from gmail it is definitely a productivity tool that I miss.
It would be fantastic to see it added -
Izaro commented
The ability to snooze emails and bring them back at specified time back to the inbox would be great. This should also be simpler than letting ProtonMail decipher emails as the only thing needed to implement is a masking algorithm on the local device that could synchronise through either iCloud or other private store to other devices.
+3 votes
Sef commented
I want to vote for this too, I am migrating from Gmail and this will be a missed feature.
Ken commented
I'm spending a vote here for message snoozing because it's extremely valuable for me to conserve attention in my inbox by achieving the mythical state of inbox zero, even if I'm faking it by deferring some messages because they're not immediately actionable.
IMTheNachoMan commented
I to would move everything away from Gmail/Google and upgrade to a paid account with Proton. Being able to snooze via desktop/web and mobile is the only thing I really need...
Anonymous commented
I would completely abandon Gmail if this feature is added.
Anonymous commented
I'm using ProtonMail and this is the only feature which i'm missing from Gmail
Todd commented
Snooze received emails, please. :-)
Jonathan Marshall commented
I support the inclusion of Snooze, would make me ditch Gmail
Greg commented
I know, for me, this is the only feature that’s stopping me from moving from google. I’ve had free google apps for years, but am willing to pay for the privacy that protonmail offers as long as this feature is implemented. I use it all the time.