Snooze email in web app
Having the ability to snooze and schedule emails would be really great! Thanks for your consideration, these are the only two features I miss from Gmail.

Snoozing an email through the web app is now available!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback!
To follow progress on snoozing from the mobile app, please follow:
M commented
Ich would even pay for snoozing E-Mails. Please!
Justen commented
Inbox is being killed off by Google in March 2019, and its snooze, reminders and send later features are the only things that were keeping me from switching over to ProtonMail with all my domains. I'll be using ProtonMail from now on anyway and switching my domains over within the next few months, but I would love to see snooze, reminders, and send later implemented here.
I'd also be interested in designing my own ProtonMail UI if the custom theming support was improved (especially to add hooks for javascript plugins and more control over styling), so that's an option. If I could annotate emails with additional metadata and control how and when they were displayed and sent via an API I could build these features myself.
Anonymous commented
The only feature I am truly missing and would love to see now that I have made the jump to ProtonMail.
Please add!
Anonymous commented
This is the only feature that keeps me using Gmail
Anonymous commented
+1 for snooze!
It's the only feature I'm missing at protonmail
Roberto commented
Yes, Snooze is a great "Inbox Zero" feature that I like a lot in both Gmail and the Outlook Mobile app!
Anonymous commented
This is a killer feature!
Please konsider this! -
A van Sommeren commented
As mentioned, this feature will make even more people make the switch to protonmail, since snoozing is such a great tool to manage your inbox/time in an easy way. Threw another 3 votes this way.
Dustin commented
This is basically the only feature I miss from google's Inbox. Swiping left brought up a "snooze" menu, and you could choose when you wanted to be reminded of the email. It would stop cluttering your inbox until then.
Justin Phelan commented
+1 must have for me to really switch
BC commented
+1 would love this feature!
Martijn commented
The day this is implemented is the day I'm going to move my domain to protonmail.
Ryan commented
Adding another +1 for this in the wake of the news that Google Inbox is shutting down
Robert commented
I've been using Inbox by Gmail as my secondary email for a long time and only now I realized why my Inbox email is clean and tidy, while I cannot seem to regain control of my ProtonMail inbox - it's because I follow Inbox Zero method and ProtonMail lacks some helpful features, snooze being the most important one by far.
Anonymous commented
Googled to see if there were more people who want this, glad there are. If protonmail implements snoozing I can live with the not-as-great-as-Spark app. Next is more gestures to make managing email even more convenient (and easy snooze)
Manuel commented
Great request! Especially the "snooze" functionality would help me a lot (send later is less relevant for me). As of today I have to work with tags "to do" and "to monitor" which works - but is less handy.
Greg commented
The other part to this in Gmail is the ability to snooze till a specific location. I would not mind giving location data to be able to do that.
Aris commented
It sounds insignificant but it makes a huge difference. There are obviously other requests with a lot more votes but this would boost productivity use-cases and hopefully drive adoption even higher
Anonymous commented
This is the greatest productivity feature introduced by Mailbox, now used by Google's Inbox.
For me als the only important feature keeping me from completing the switch to ProtonMail. -
Anonymous commented
I concur; not having snooze is the only thing keeping me from completing the switch to ProtonMail.