SMTP Tokens for Proton Unlimited accounts
Please enable SMTP Tokens feature ( also for Proton Unlimited accounts.

Armando commented
Proton should not limit SMTP tokens to Family plans. It feels outdated to give more benefits to families than to individual users. Many other services allow sending emails from custom domains via SMTP, but Proton Unlimited users are excluded. Proton Bridge is not a proper solution for cases like personal websites. Please consider adding SMTP tokens to Proton Unlimited accounts.
Nico commented
Hi, would really be great to access SMTP for unlimited user. I need it for my home server to send basic emails like welcome email from nextcloud so users can set up their account.
The unlimited plan from Proton is not cheap so it's quite frustrating to not have access to this functionality. -
MadRey commented
I need SMTP for my HomeLab for the occasional message. Why do i pay so much for unlimeted to be limited by such an important feature?
Nico commented
Please Proton enable the SMTP Token feature for the unlimited subscription.
I thought Proton Unlimited comes with all features and no limitations, especially such an important one. So please listen closely to the people in this thread. A lot of voices just need a small amount of tokens and the capability to send a rather small amount of status emails from their systems.
Thank you Proton
alex nadreau commented
Really wish I had this feature for my homelab.
Arnaud APRAHAMIAN commented
I just upgrade to Proton Unlimited to setup mailbox for my custom domain.
Instead of going Google Workspace I choose Proton.
Realy disappointed to discover that SMTP relay is not include !
P¨lease take into consideration our demand -
Celia | commented
I'm paying more for Unlimited, but I don't have this functionality. Frustrating!
I'm actually considering downgrading to a plan with SMTP and then continuing to use *gasp* Google Drive. My choice right now is either Proton Drive or Proton SMTP. Don't make me make this choice!
Rom. commented
How's "unlimited" ... restricted ?
Really disappointed lately by your whole service ... VPN has issues, we are denied from functionality that other plans have ... it's really getting "meh". -
Jordan commented
As a personal user, it'd be really nice to setup SMTP tokens to send alerts from my NAS. I get the need to differentiate "business" accounts from "consumer" accounts, but this feels like the wrong feature to use for that.
Saxon Rix commented
This should absolutely be a part of the unlimited subscription!
Dave commented
Need only for couple of home use tasks: for example sending auto email when there are problems with my NAS drive and, similarly, problems (or success) of scheduled back ups. At present these are AOL/Gmail SMTP details but I am trying to stop using both of these and move entirely into the Proton infrastructure. Minor "niggles" such as this are preventing me doing so!
Niek Temmerman commented
I would love to be able to send out notifications via mail concerning my homelab/home network using the SMTP functionality.
Cosmo_Kramer404 commented
I strongly support this feature. As a Nextcloud host, I want to send notifications and password reset emails from my domain. I recognize the costs associated with SMTP submissions, but perhaps an appropriate monthly allowance could be included with unlimited accounts. Most of us aren’t sending hundreds or thousands of promotional emails; we just need basic email notifications for our self-hosted applications.
Petar Babic commented
I simply want one of my email aliases to do invoice sending, I do not want to pay for business plan as I'm single entreprenuer who doesn't always have active clients... And at that point cheaper alternative is 365
Anonymous commented
I would also greatly appreciate this feature, it would be great for having my nas and VM server for sending email notifications
CemionCFG commented
Discrimination on a quantitative basis is coming out.
You pay for a white IP, but if you are not an organization, your provider blocks the ports and part of the settings of the paid white ip.....
And the same approach comes from proton...It turns out that, at least, it is not fair to programmers working for themselves....
A compromise solution from my point of view is to enable SMTP operation for Proton Unlimited users if they make one-time payment for full year (12 months)
At a minimum, it will be easier for spammers to pay for Proton Family on a monthly basis.
You can probably also increase the cost of an annual subscription by +12$ when the SMTP option is enabled. (I believe, of course, that the issue is not an additional fee) -
noisycall commented
Paying a small additional fee would also make total sense for this service. I wonder if this idea will ever be reviewed, would be nice to know sooner than later.
Malik D. commented
I also would like to have SMTP without needing to upgrade to Family or needing to downgrade to Business or Mail Essentials.
I also find it really weird, why Mail Essentials have SMTP and WE Unlimited not.
If not possible to add SMTP to Unlimited, at least provide something like a extra addon where we can pay something like 3$ extra for SMTP function. -
Egbert commented
I want to move away from gmail for various reasons. I can setup my Synology NASses to send messages, but if I want to set that up for Proton I can't use an SMTP-token as it is not set for Unlimited Subscrpition clients.
I would strongly urge Proton to allow it for Unlimited Sbscriptions. What's in a name..;-)
A family plan is not what I need, so that's no option! -
Gregor Kotulla commented
I'm an unlimited subscriber. Other plans that do include SMTP functionality are either too stripped down on the other services (VPN, Drive, etc.), or way too overkill for my purpose. What's the