Permanently delete emails with one button
I dare to start a new 'Idea' entry for an old one. Please check in your open tasks this user's requirement "'Delete Permanently' button in the taskbar ".
In it's comments, I read e.g.
rob kommentierte · Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2024, 02:30 Uhr ·
Why has this been open for EIGHT YEARS and is still not fixed. I appreciate that my money is being used for stuff, but this is a no-brainer, wtf.
J kommentierte · Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023, 01:04 Uhr ·
Yes - we need this!
The permanently delete button should be on all taskbars (Inbox, All Mail, Folders and Labels). This would make it super easy to delete emails.
Kindly check and please take-up this rahter easy task in due time - not to wait another 8 years... :-(
This kindly for the Desktop-App AND the Mobile-App.
Many thanks to listen to - and act upon - customer voices.