Drafts: Add support for draft creation date and sorting by it.
Please add support for creation date for draft emails !!!
This would enable to keep drafts sorted/ordered by creation date instead of modification date, and it help with organizing drafts in general.
I don't want the sorting and organization to break, because I updated a draft in a minor way, or just the subject, and it immediately updates the draft's modification date. Most of the time I do not want this kind of behavior, in my workflow.
I'm using the date ordering as a way of priority ordering, though a proper priority ordering system through using a combination of subject prefixes and alphabetic sorting would do the trick, something I only reminded about right now, heh.
The idea still holds, this doesn't replace some makeshift DIY priority ordering. I would have to edit all of the draft subjects, etc and takes more maintenance.
Thanks a lot!

Danie commented
Attention is certainly needed for drafts as they seem to be forgotten about, and are causing some worklflow issues for many. There is a different issue about them logged at https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483-proton-mail/suggestions/41027179-show-count-for-drafts-folder, but hopefully they can be handled together.