A PURGE option to purge all or some email from the server from being stored at all.
this email service is encrypted but they are still being stored on a server. I would like an option to purge some or all email from the server when needed/desired.

Rick commented
A big +1 on this - obviously the Trash should be purgable. But what I want is to be able to have a filter that shows "All Mail minus the Inbox" and then be able to purge that entire filter in one single click, rather than in 50 email chunks. In other words, I want to get rid of my entire library of emails off of the PM server, except for what resides in the inbox - read or unread.
pnobulls commented
I wonder if a auto trash delete would fix this issue, Tutanota E-mail has tried to get this feature, I don't think it would take much programing to do this all. Proton would have to do is pick a day that every month has, and delete it on that certain day.
AdminProton (Admin, Proton) commented
We will look into adding a purge option. You are welcome to reset your Mailbox password whenever you wish. This will reset your Encryption keys. In addition, you can delete your account whenever you desire.