Set priority level for each e-mail sent out
I'm suggesing to have the priorotiy level function to be created (i.e Very High, High, Normal, Low, Classified, Unclassified, Official etc).

Daniel V commented
RFC 577 way back in October 1973 discussed this , notably Postel (!) and Crocker.
I see no reason to exclude this functionality.
Jim Kinnibrugh commented
This is a fairly normal and very useful feature of e-mail clients/systems and its absence from Proton Mail is unexpected.
Anonymous commented
This is an essential function, emails need to have the option to be labelled as extra important, this really needs to be a feature. Desperately. This is the kind of thing that will drive paying customers away, to other providers.
Pri commented
Come on Proton, we are paying customers! How can Outlook still trump you in certain areas! Fix up please!
Kate commented
This desperately needs adding, I can't believe this isn't a thing already
David commented
It's 2023 and this feature is still not implemented? Protonmail what are you even thinking about?
elizabeth commented
For business accounts, this is a critical feature, common on Outlook, but completely neglected here. Many times, emails are overlooked when they contain important information, especially when the receiver gets dozens if not more emails a day. Being able to pick the 'high priority' ones out of that mass is absolutely essential and to be frank, I am shocked this simple functionality which has been a common feature in other email services for a long time is completely absent here on a service we pay for.. Please fix/add this feature ASAP. Seriously, here we are 8 years AFTER this iteration of the request, and STILL nothing done on this?
redhat tinycore commented
If I am not mistake this option is not available: "High Priority" function (when sending emails) ?
I have a paid plan, this is ridiculous that we don't have this option .......
Can I ask you to implement for the next release, please?Kr
Dinis -
Anonymous commented
Yes, please add
Anonymous commented
I'd like the option to be able to mark messages that I send as urgent or high priority. As far as I can see, this is not possible yet.
Rafael de la Vega commented
I would like to see options for sending mails setting a level of priority for the receiver.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see "High Priority" function when sending emails.
Anonymous commented
Yes, I am looking for this as well. I think it is an extremely useful feature
John Albert commented
I have not found the "High Priority" function (when sending emails). I am referring to the exclamation point, so that the recipient sees my email in priority ; i.e low / normal / high importance. Does this function exist with Protonmail?
John Albert commented
I am a new user (free Offer). I have not found the "High Priority" function (when sending emails). I am referring to the exclamation point, so that the recipient sees my email in priority ; i.e low / normal / high importance. Does this function exist with Protonmail? If not, are you going to add this feature very soon? I do think that this is a crucial thing ! Thank you in advance.
Pri commented
Please add this ASAP, as it is a very basic function, as per user comment in 2017. It is not acceptable that this has not already been implemented.
Deborah Kennedy Coster commented
I would really appreciate the addition of this feature.
Graham Douglas commented
Provide a way of signalling priority when you send an email. This is really very basic to most other systems. If PM has it I don't know where it is.
Anonymous commented
This appears to be a very basic feature of an e-mail service as I really consider this to be a bug that this is not supported.