Windows client
I would suggest, you implement the Function to ProtonDrive with Windows Explorer or other File Explorers e.g. like DropBox, GoogleDrive or OneDrive
Giulia commented
How was this task completed? How can I integrate on device?
tweidema commented
Highly recommended ad still missing this feature!
Patrice FONTAINE commented
It would be good if the Proton Drive application automatically synchronizes with a folder on the PC. A synchronization that would be like that of OneDrive or Google Drive
Ce serait bien que l'application Proton Drive se synchronise automatiquement avec un dossier sur le PC. Une synchronisation qui serait comme celle de OneDrive ou Google Drive -
veltrane commented
Something like, e.g., OneDrive, where you can choose what to sync (on each device) would be awesome
Jake H commented
Please make it so for easy access to files across devices without having to download manually via a browser
Patrick Zuidinga commented
I just migrated away from Boxcryptor (in combination with Dropbox). I was hoping to have the same outstanding integration with explorer from ProtonDrive. But what I got was a rather simplistic upload/download scheme :-(
John Dozius commented
Awesome feature, I was thinking about this as well! You have my vote!
P W commented
I would love this feature.
John commented
Both Dropbox and Microsoft Onedrive allow one to have their Windows backup software application move files to those clouds directly. No browser is needed for that. It would be nice if Proton Drive could have a path recognizable to Windows so files could be backed up in a similar manner by an automated backup program.
Keith Burke commented
While this could potentially reduce security, I do like this idea. At least give us the option to accept the security hazards in favour of ease of use.
Mehdi commented
Actually this feature should be broader to enable easy sync on Windows, Mac and Linux OS.
For me, having to use a web browser is a strong downside to use ProtonDrive on a daily basis.
bhphilos commented
I would suggest, you implement the Function to ProtonDrive with Windows Explorer or other File Explorers e.g. like DropBox, GoogleDrive or OneDrive
bhphilos commented
I would suggest, you implement the Function to ProtonDrive with Windows Explorer or other File Explorers e.g. like DropBox, GoogleDrive or OneDrive