Webdav support
use a secure webdav link to access proton drive, e.g., to sync DevonThink from www.devontechnologies.com databases
Eduardas Sizovas commented
Lack of support for open standarts, such as WebDav, CalDav are showstoppers. They are more important than any UI feature. Using a WebDav would allow connecting office suites, such as OnlyOffice and synchronize calendars in Thunderbird. Proton is targeting power user and support for open and secure access protocols is key missing feature. Many such users are working in Linux desktop where Proton drive is not even available, so WebDav and CalDav is the only way to get access to data.
[Deleted User] commented
As noted in other comments, any open standard is good. Anything you can already mount on Linux, presumably via a bridge.
marty commented
proton-drive is pretty much useless without a programmatic way of moving data to it from Linux and Truenas. Rsync or ssh or webdav please. As others have said, moving files by hand through a web browser is a shitty way to do backups. Especially with all the warning dialogs about 'files too large' and 'don't stream at the same time'.
This can be done in a roundabout way with the windows proton drive app running in a vm via a shared folder with the linux host but I don't trust microsoft enough for that kludgy method. -
Thijs commented
Will upgrade from free to ultimate when webdav is implemented. Now using strato hidrive with webdav
mopperle commented
Any comment, when you will implement WebDAV?
DutcHmaNinc commented
Absoltue must. Same reasons as people stated here before me.
Ninja298 commented
Need WEBDAV for Sync and as TeamDrive-Server (Storage). I have a paid plan for proton products.
marty commented
I need to automate backups to proton drive to make it useful. From truenas or synology nas. Webdav would work. So would rsync. Having to upload files one at a time using a browser interface is a horrible way to do things.
Both Synology nas and Truenas support multiple cloud storage vendors but proton drive is not among them because of this missing feature. I am keeping a paid proton plan and praying for this problem to be fixed. -
Peter commented
As long as Webdav is not possible I will continue to use free versions of Proton. If Webdav is possible I will become a paid user for Mail, VPN and Drive. This way I stop with services at other providers.
Bernd Queck commented
I support the idea for WebDav Support on Proton Drive. Please implement the WebDav Support.
Bjoern Becker commented
This would be great for use with Cryptomator, thanks.
Kai-Uwe Markeli commented
I concur. I have been looking into switching from Google Drive to Proton but I need it to sync with my Synology NAS which is still not possible.
So I have to stick with the free Proton Plan and Google for now. That's kind of a shame.
Bob commented
Also like to note like some people have said, WebDAV is not dead and most self-hosting services or apps use or have WebDAV syncing
Bob commented
I will like WebDAV support for proton drive as well. Right now I use Nextcloud for such things, but I want to use webdav for somethings. Also have to ability to select only certain folders to have webdav access too, not the root folder like most webdav apps.
Martin Speeks commented
E.g. to save important backups like password managers databases.
Note: there are more, similar requests for the same: WebDav support.
Votes can be added up -
Martin Speeks commented
Really important. No reason to subscribe to protondrive plan without it.
Have the free plan now to test, works great. -
thomas commented
ProtonDrive is useless without WebDAV or a CLI tool. Because I signed up early to the Visionary plan, Proton has given me multiple terabytes of storage for free. But it sits unused because I can't script backups to it.
Anonymous commented
This would also allow Proton Drive to be used for attachments by Thunderbird.
dimitris k commented
If you plan to store passwords from password managers using your own storage service this is a requirement
Ian commented
Definitely useful for me, want to run my backups, calendars, etc through it