A configurable setting for the number of threads you upload with - enabling speedy upload of many small files.
In the desktop client during initial configuration I would like to be able to increase the number of upload threads to on-boarding significantly quicker.
For instance, if I have a code repository uploading to Proton Drive and the repository is composed of a node modules directory or a python modules directory there might be tens of thousands of files, and each one of them may be less than a kilobyte.
In this case the time taken to initiate the connection, write the data, and report it as finished takes up almost all of the overall time.
anonymous commented
I agree, but not only with uploading! It took me soo much time to initialize the app after installing when all I wanted to do was sync 1 folder of my computer. It didn't have to get all the files in my cloud for my use case, but I had to wait anyway.
More threads could be a solution, maybe a toggle if it should even get those files would be great as well for, as I said, when you only want to sync one folder quick for instance.
Perhaps the files could be initialized with packets of multiple files that are then devided on the client side. Like a map of the files in only a few packet files (or even 1 packet file), I think that could finish a lot faster.