Customize Folders to backup structure
An option that doesn't really exists with the competitors, having the ability to choose a target folder for the backups with ProtonDrive.
Right now, if I have a folder "Photos" and I would love to only backup a few folders in it (ex: 2020, 2021, etc.) I have to select those but they will appear on Proton as 2020, 2021. If we could specific the destination folder I could have a "Photos" folder to which I'd select to backup 2020, 2021 in.
2020 -> 2020
2021 -> 2021
2020 -> Photos\2020
2021 -> Photos\2021
Giving more flexibility to ProtonDrive not only allows a complete and efficient sync but makes it a complete and convenient backup solution to handle the day-to-day and organize users' data recovery.
Thanks for the great work!