A Folder's date should be the same as the NEWEST object it contains
Please vote on reddit as well if you agree: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/comments/1di8s9s/proton_drive_a_folders_date_should_be_the_same_as/
Whenever a file is uploaded to a folder (or a sub-folder created), the dates of all the folders up-stream ought to be updated, so that it's easy to find things if we're going by date.
Let's suppose that I have the following folder structure:
(Ignore the dots; they're needed for the indentation.)
········My files
········+- Work
········|·····+- Project 1
········|·····+- Project 2
·············+- Home Remodel
·············+-·Vacation photos
···················+- Italy
···················+- Spain
If I add a file to MyFiles/Work/Project 1, the time-stamp of those three folders should match the date of this change (or the actual date of the file, but I don't think that's possible at all).
Likewise, and this would be somewhat harder to implement, if the newest photo in MyFiles/Personal/Vacation../Italy is May 2, 2024, and I delete this file, the Italy folder's date should be the same as the newest file contained in it, and then the other folders, going up to the My Files folder (i.e. Vacation Photos and Personal) should have their respective dates revised to reflect the newest file therein.
In other words, if after the deletion, the newest file in the Spain folder is a picture from Apr. 20, 2024, and the newest picture in the Italy folder is from March 1, 2024, and the newest picture in the Home Remodel folder is a file dated Jan 13, 2024, these should be the dates of each folder in the Personal branch after this change:
········+-·Personal - 2024-04-20
·············+- Home Remodel - 2024-01-13
·············+-·Vacation photos - 2024-04-20
···················+- Italy - 2024-03-01
···················+- Spain - 2024-04-20
This way, when I'm sorting the view by date, I can easily locate where the newest files are (or the oldest).
Please vote on reddit as well if you agree: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/comments/1di8s9s/proton_drive_a_folders_date_should_be_the_same_as/