iOS Photos backup
Auto back up for iOS photos.

Automatic photo backup is now available:
Rolling out now and available for everyone over the coming days.
Diogo Quintela commented
Nice, how can I also participate in the beta ?
Adam commented
Please make sure that metadata doesn`t disappear
Adam commented
I have all Proton Betas. How do I participate in this one?
Dwight commented
yes, need IOS photo backup - also for MacOS
xaris commented
This feature holds significance in order to move away from using intrusive services that disregard the privacy of our personal data.
Justin commented
This is a must have, but ONLY if family shared folders become available. I don’t want to have to deal with merging my photos with my spouse manually.
Both my phone and my spouses phone should be able to backup to the same shared photo folder.
Jimmy Bob commented
This would be amazing! It would be nice to have a second copy of my data in a secure location
seahopper commented
THIS WOULD BE AWESOME BUT PLEASE MAKE A PROTON PHOTOS APPLICATION like GOOGLE PHOTOS please keep the CORPORATION of APPLE out of my drive data and other resources. i want to be able to completely do an IOS backup and sync my iphone with proton drive but proton needs to ensure my drive is secure when my apple id is compromised and hackers have remote access to my phone. this is a major concern of mine and i am thinking of switching services to an open sourced and secure option like NEXT-CLOUD because a large file was recently deleted... and i believe it was because my apple id was compromised. PLEASE PROTON DONT SELL OUT AND BECOME un-PRIVATE like APPLE AMAZON CLOUD (AWS) and GOOGLE have. they cooperate with the NSA and it isnt cool. I pray and hope and believe and trust Proton so far TO DO THE RIGHT THING and i have been a paid user now for almost a year but a mail user for years under different domains.
Jae Toole commented
would be good to have this
Bryan commented
Need this to migrate from google photos as my second copy.
Roberto Beccherle commented
Any progress on this feature?
lavals commented
Proton team, we're waiting photos sync for iOS!
Meester commented
Any day now to have this update on iOS would be great!
Ale commented
I can't understand why the app is available on Android but isn't on iOS. We pay the same price as Android users but receive fewer functions.
MysterTaco commented
I never used iCloud photo sync due to privacy concerns such as the many leaks/hacks/etc, but I would trust backing up my photos with this method!
Steven Greene commented
This function is very necessary. I bought a Proton Drive for my wife and was very surprised that the backup copy is not implemented on IOS. I do not understand why Proton, after implementing any function on Android, does not immediately implement these functions on IOS.
Dave commented
Critical. A sync feature with the desktop of some sort would be excellent too.
Since Proton is a Cloud provider sync (as with calendars etc.) is crucial for us to be able to move away from intrusive providers. -
Richard K commented
This is the last piece of the puzzle for me to fully switch everything to Proton. Without auto-syncing photos I can't move everyone in my family over to Proton.
Pranab Chatterjee commented
Very important feature for me.
Deniz Erdogmus commented
I would suggest that Proton Photos backup features to imitate Dropbox Camera Roll automatic backup features: (1) automatic uploading of new photos in background on iPhone to Proton Drive designated Camera Roll backup folder (keep track of what's already uploaded and what's not); (2) renaming files to YYYYMMDDhHHmmss format such that the date+time stamp down to the second in 24-hr format (captured from iOS clock on photo shoot instant as metadata) so taht when files are uploaded to Proton Drive they get these unique date+time stamp style unique file names to avoid file name collusions. Dropbox does this really well but put their autobackup behind a paywall so I would like to see this with Proton. I could pay for iCloud but as one other person said, at this point I am committed to continued support of Proton and would like to see this feature in Proton Drive/Photos.