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Proton Calendar

393 results found

  1. Configure default notifications

    I don't want an Email reminder, as I check my calendar on a regular basis, but as of now I have to remember to remove the mail notification each time I create a new calendar item.

    Some means of configuring default notification mechanism(s) such as on-screen notification, email, SMS etc would improve my user experience a lot

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  2. To enhance Proton Calendar with a feature that automatically calculates ages for recurring birthday reminders, highlights milestone birthday

    User Story:

    As a Proton Calendar user,
    I want to add a person's date of birth for recurring birthday reminders,
    So that the calendar can automatically calculate and display the age they'll be turning each year,
    And I want the option to only show ages for milestone birthdays,
    So that I can easily recognize and prepare for these special occasions while maintaining privacy for regular birthdays.

    Prompt for creating an interface:
    Design a user interface for Proton Calendar that showcases the new birthday and milestone birthday features. The interface should include:

    A monthly calendar view with a few sample birthdays,…

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  3. Biometrics lock for Calendar iOS and Android mobile apps

    All Proton services are intended and optimized for privacy, why not have the apps locked with fingerprint lock/Face ID..... to avoid others from opening our apps (e.g seeing private sensitive events).

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  4. Configurable range of viewable hours/configurable time scale

    Currently, I have to scroll in order to reliably see all my daily events (viewing using a 13" screen). Having the ability to view all hours from 1:00 A.M to 11:00 P.M is redundant (many people aren't going to be scheduling events within that entire range) and adds extra noise to the UI. It would be considerably more useful to have the ability to set the range of viewable hours (eg 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM) instead. Would also be useful if the entire calendar could be scaled to the available viewing area instead of having the user scroll to…

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  5. Calendly-like function in Proton Calendar

    Calendly is super convenient and it saves tons of time and irritation. However, it is also a privacy nightmare. Proton Calendar could have a huge advantage over Google Calendar and other calendar services by simply having a Calendly-like function built into it that minimizes leakage of personal information. I noticed the need for this because I have been using Calendly, and previously linked it to my Google account, but no longer benefit from calendar sync since switching to Proton.

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  6. Dynamic Calendar icon - show current date

    I would like the icon for Proton Calender to reflect the date rather than a static icon

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  7. Dark icon for iOS 18

    The icon of Proton Calendar does not yet have a dark version, as introduced in iOS 18. Proton Mail, VPN and Pass do have dark mode icons at the moment of writing this feature request.

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  8. 36 votes

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  9. Creating a new event on mobile by clicking and dragging on the calendar

    Hi Proton team,
    Due to the nature of mobile or tablet being touch screen, I usually find myself setting a calendar invite directly on the calendar at the time I want it using my finger to click and drag down. This would be a great feature to add.

    Right now it's possible to use the button to create a new event, but it always adds it to the day I'm viewing, and the time I'm creating the invite. E.g., if it's 8p on Jan 13th today, and I want to create an event on Feb 1st at 3p. It opens…

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  10. Add field to mark appointments as free, busy or tentative.

    Calendar events/appointments need a field to mark the appointment as free, busy, or tentative. This is needed to support scheduling as free and tentative appointments will not block out availability times.

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  11. Reorder calendars (manual/custom and sortings)

    An ability to rearrange/reorder the calendars.

    It could be a small [A–Z] button with options like Alphabetical, Event count, Recently used, and Custom (which stores the manual sort order). Beside the button, an arrow button to inverse the sort ordering.


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  12. Shortcut for .ics import

    I have a lot of events that provide an ics file. It's painful to import these at the moment - I have to go to settings (and log in each time), then hit the import button, then select the file.

    Ideally, there would be an "Import event" button under the "New event" button which immediately opens the file dialogue to select a local ics file.

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  13. Make location and description visible without opening event

    It's possible to add location and description data to events, however in order to view this data you actually need to click on an event and open it.

    If you schedule an event to be several hours long, the visual element of the event is quite large, but only the upper portion is actually occupied by text, the remaining bottom is blank.

    Why not use that space to make the location and description visible so we can get a quick overview of events without needing to open them? (The title and time are bold font, so why not make the…

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  14. Task List

    To better compete with Google calendar, please add a ToDo or Task feature. The last time I saw this mentioned was in a 2022 post for PM.

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  15. Custom Notification Sounds

    Ability to change notification sounds for all events or for specific individual events in the Android/iOS app so I know when I get a Calendar notification based on the sound it makes.

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  16. Smartwatch app

    Can you make the Calendar app sync to my smartwatch?
    I have a Samsung Galaxy 3 smartwatch. It will sync calendars with the dedicated Samsung Calendar, but I won't use that one. It will also sync with Google calendar but I won't use that either.
    My watch does pretty much everything else so could you also make your app load on Watch 3?
    That would be amazingly great!

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  17. Protoncalendar - Jump to Month/Year

    When traversing large chunks of the Calendar (years), doing it by clicking the arrows on top of the calendar (mini & normal) is cumbersome. It should be made possible to Jump to needed Month/Year.

    At least in one occurrence of the mentioned arrows, it should be possible to click on the displayed Month/Year to enter a combination of Month/year where one would check and edit his calendar.

    As alternative / quick win, traversing the calendar by Year would be already a great improvement. This might be possible if & when the Feature "Year View" Request would be implemented.

    Beside that,…

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  18. (1) Create tasks to check off, (2) Turn mail into tasks or events in Calendar, (3) Create a task list to hold tasks not yet assigned a date

    A process flow for task management where I can quickly create tasks and add those tasks to the calendar and check them off either on the calendar or on the task list. There needs to be a single task list. I need to be able to turn mail into tasks and also move mail to the calendar as a task or an event. This is a combination of Google, Microsoft, and other workflow calendars.

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  19. Just enter your event the same way you would tell someone: Natural Language Input

    In Fantastical you can literally just type:

    Grocery shopping at Wegmans Thursday at 5pm
    Lunch with Matthew at 123 Main St at 1:30 Monday
    Family vacation from August 9-18
    Staff meeting Tuesday 2pm alert 20 min
    Soccer practice every Tuesday at 6
    Sam's birthday every year on 5/16
    Pizza party on the 2nd Friday of every month at 1pm
    Flight 593 on Monday 3pm EST to 6pm PST

    Want a reminder instead of an event? Just type in "task", "todo", or "reminder" before your sentence:

    todo Pay rent
    reminder Buy basil

    ------- This makes putting events a lot more convenient,…

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  20. DAV Support for Contacts & Calendar

    Enabling DAV support for Contacts & Calendar would be a huge improvement for Proton users. I would like to be able to sync my contacts and calendars with one another across devices, especially Android contacts.

    Currently, I'm using DAVx5 to sync my contacts & calendar w/Nextcloud.

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