Proton Calendar on Mobile
Love that you guys created an encrypted Calendar - but what's the point of it if the only way to use it is to log in on the PM web version? There is no sync, no push notifications, and worst of all it's not available on mobile.
I think most of us use calendars on our mobile devices.
So PCalendar should either have a standalone app, or at the very least be integrated into the PMail app.
Better yet, is there any way to integrate/sync calendar data into a device's other third party calendar app?
For example, I've been using Fruux to keep my contacts and calendars in sync on multiple devices. I can add a calendar event in, say, Android's native calendar app, then it'll sync up with Fruux, and push that event on to ALL my other calendar apps (Fantastical on iOS, Thunderbird's calendar plugin, etc etc etc).
Thank you

Slobo commented
Hey Proton Team, at what stage is the development of the calendar app for iOS? This should not be so difficult task and I believe that many users are waiting for that. Can you give us some details regarding the timeline?
michael noth commented
I won't use proton much longer till calendar for iOS is out. I would even do two-year subscription and it seems a lot of people feel the same. I do value protons privacy practices and would love to stick with them.
Rich of H commented
It's been a long, long wait. Dates come and go, and yet there is silence in the air as iOS users watch the tumbleweed blow by in the desert of cal development. Why, oh why do we wait while time slips incessantly by? Appointments gained, appointments lost, appointments missed, and yet the faithful hold on in the forlorn hope that one day, yes, one day the announcement will come that the Proton Calendar for iOS is finally birthed and delivered to our beloved devices. O happy day, oh joyous occasion, we shall indeed celebrate and lift our voices in jubilation to the heavens!
Joe Yesulaitis commented
REALLY need an iOS calendar app so I can share my calendar with other users
AFC commented
Do we have a date?
Virginio Rayo commented
Do you have a release date?
Tim commented
Why can't you guys just admit, you are not smart enough to do what you have promised.The IOS calendar I see some say it has been promised as long as two years. For me I've only been waiting about 18 months. When I signed up for Protonmail, I had an Android, the calendar worked great. Then I sold my business. I rid myself of Google and the Droid. Now I want to rid myself of Protonmail. No one today can operate without email/calendar integration. It appears Protonmail really has no incentive to produce a calendar. They realize the people that already have Protonmail know just how difficult it is to change email addresses on all your documents. Some of them can't even be changed without the address you are moving from. The people shopping for a secure email provider, I hope they do their homework. And to top it all off. I pay for the abuse. Any chance you people @ Protonmail can pony up and deliver or just be truthful. Just tell folks. If you have Apple, we don't need you. Go away!!
ps. I won't even bring up the problem with contacts not syncing from phone to email account. -
Tobias Hein commented
Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, gab es vor einigen Monaten einen Aufruf zu Beta-Tests einer iOS App. Wie ist der Sachstand und wann kann man mit einer iOS App für den Kalender rechnen?
WIe die meisten hier beschreiben, ist dies eine wichtige Komponente um seine Kalender unterwegs auch pflegen und einsehen zu können.
Aktuell muss ich da auf die Web-Variante zurückgreifen, was ich etwas unbequem auf Smartphone oder Tablet finde. -
Jay commented
Given all the comments on this topic, I would like to know if or when the iOS calendar app will be available. At the very least, someone from Proton should have the courtesy to reply. One month, six months, one year... I am not looking forward to switching my email provider again but without the iOS app available, which was "Coming Soon" when I joined 2 years ago, I may have no choice. That's too bad because I thought I found a good answer to privacy issues. Thank you.
Gee commented
How are you guys using this calendar without option to collaborate ? :/
Adam commented
Please update the status of this feature!
Don S commented
When is the release date for the iOS calendar app?
Jason Stambaugh commented
Status of iOS?
Jason Stambaugh commented
This is desperately needed. I'm trying to kick my Google habit and this is one of the missing pieces.
Michael commented
I'd love to swap to ProtonMail completely, but I'm a little hesitant based on the slow progress and the limited feedback. Still on a free account for now.
Blue commented
Personally, I would prefer they just make it usable from a professional standpoint first. The current features need to be rounded off to create a cohesive user experience. For example, this is the main reason I can't use Proton Calendar, with or without an iOS app.
Anonymous commented
Sure this was promised ages ago. iOS app is desperately needed… I hope this is a priority for Proton; it is for me.
M.B. commented
Nowadays we NEED the calendar app on the phone.
Micah commented
I have a couple contractors that work for me and we use Proton Calendar as our scheduling tool and I have Android, because I'm cool, but my contractors use iOS and and iOS app is a VERY needed feature for us!! PLEASE!
Another amazing feature would be to be able to link Proton Calendar in other calendar apps for mobile or desktop like you can with IMAP in Thunderbird etc. I would LOVE to have my Proton Calendar synced in my Gnome desktop calendar.
James Anderson commented
I don't found any such an app on iphone store, where i found this app.