Proton Calendar on Mobile
Love that you guys created an encrypted Calendar - but what's the point of it if the only way to use it is to log in on the PM web version? There is no sync, no push notifications, and worst of all it's not available on mobile.
I think most of us use calendars on our mobile devices.
So PCalendar should either have a standalone app, or at the very least be integrated into the PMail app.
Better yet, is there any way to integrate/sync calendar data into a device's other third party calendar app?
For example, I've been using Fruux to keep my contacts and calendars in sync on multiple devices. I can add a calendar event in, say, Android's native calendar app, then it'll sync up with Fruux, and push that event on to ALL my other calendar apps (Fantastical on iOS, Thunderbird's calendar plugin, etc etc etc).
Thank you

Sam commented
This is a must. Using this for work, I need to have my calendar on my phone. Imperative. And the ease of adding meeting within the browser to the Proton calendar is great except that I don’t have that calendar on my phone so when I’m away from my desk, I don’t have the meetings visible and I have nearly missed some
[Deleted User] commented
This is the only thing preventing me from using Proton Calendar... I will have to stick with Google until an iOS app is available.
Robert commented
I really want a “bridge” for iOS so I can just use the built-in apps.
Want CalDAV and CardDAV. -
Ian Edington commented
I love the idea of using proton calendar, contacts, and mail as my standard suite. I'm hoping for tighter integration with iOS/MacOS or some serious improvements to your native apps (integration is probably easier)
James Henderson commented
I would be much obliged if you could give a timeframe within which the iOS app can be expected. We need to plan for it. Thank you.
R3 commented
I would love to see full integration default iOS Calendar App. Not sure if this defeats the purpose of an encrypted calendar, but if it did; I would settle for an app very similar to the default iOS app including the date on the home screen icon
MattyWS commented
Yes please! Would also be awesome if this came with widgets for iOS/ipadOS home screens
J commented
Please please please release this app already! Right now I have to add things to my proton calendar, and then add them ALSO to reminders on my phone so that I can get a notification. This double entry is a complete waste of time when we should just have a calendar app that provides popup phone notifications.
Laura commented
Would love the iPhone ProtonCalendar app - with all the uneasiness around the Apple CSAM news, I want as little dependency on iCloud as possible. Thank you!
Attila commented
Please let at least the iOS beta accessible to everyone. Let us decide if we want to use or not.
Anonymous commented
This is another vote for an iOS calendar app, as the lack of one keeps me from fully migrating to Proton services and away from iCloud. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE release an iOS calendar app. This is a basic functional feature that should have been available from the beginning. But that it's still not is hard to imagine. We rely upon electronic calendars for so much now so I'm incredibly hampered with it missing.
Anonymous commented
Ideally, Calendar should integrate within the ProtonMail app itself. Viewing the calendar within widgets and iOS calendar would also be a must-have...
Anonymous commented
I also cannot understand how progress is so incredibly slow for calendar. Originally the apps were announced to be released end of '20 and to my big surprise only Android came out.
It's infuriating to me that I don't get any answers either, when asking on twitter. For the love of god, share a road map or at least make a statement what the problems are and don't just let users hanging. I am not going to log into the browser version every time I want to add something. Especially with the added time of using 2FA.I am severly disappointed by the company. Not only for the slow progress in development, which, I guess, can happen and I wouldn't understand as a non-developer. But rather the incredibly bad communication from protonmail's side.
Anonymous commented
Love Proton but simply can't use your calendar without a mobile app!!
thelonghop commented
Really need this, either as standalone app or integrated into another.
Pieter commented
I've signed up for a paid account more than two years ago based on the promise that the calendar was almost there. A few months ago I've switched to Tutanota as they have an encrypted calendar available for some years.
cd4506 commented
I concur. I was surprised to not find Calendar offered within the current iOS ProtonMail app. I am disappointed for many reason. I too would like to fully migrate from Google. We need a calendar. Thanks.
Phantom commented
I would love to move completely away from google services and iOS native apps. I would pay extra to have a ProtonMail calendar app.
Holonium commented
It would be greatly appreciated if an iOS app could be released, even if it is just in the beta stages. I do understand that it takes time, but the fact that there is a limited beta release makes me wonder why it has not been opened to more users yet.