Proton Calendar on Mobile
Love that you guys created an encrypted Calendar - but what's the point of it if the only way to use it is to log in on the PM web version? There is no sync, no push notifications, and worst of all it's not available on mobile.
I think most of us use calendars on our mobile devices.
So PCalendar should either have a standalone app, or at the very least be integrated into the PMail app.
Better yet, is there any way to integrate/sync calendar data into a device's other third party calendar app?
For example, I've been using Fruux to keep my contacts and calendars in sync on multiple devices. I can add a calendar event in, say, Android's native calendar app, then it'll sync up with Fruux, and push that event on to ALL my other calendar apps (Fantastical on iOS, Thunderbird's calendar plugin, etc etc etc).
Thank you

Anonymous commented
My idea is that you communicate honestly with your users. Will there be an IOS calendar app? If not, it is unethical for you to imply that there will be and never deliver. If there is a timeline you should share it, even if you don't like how it looks. Keeping customers in the dark does not build goodwill.
João Carlos commented
It would be great to have a Proton calendar app for iOS, for sure. Even better if it's bundled with the existing ProtonMail iOS app.
🐰 commented
Ditto to everything. Calendar app for iPad and iPhone would be so useful.
Sam commented
Also support fully open source apps so I can use f-droid instead of sideloading apks.
Mark Gaking commented
This is essential to have. I would use all your products more if you had an iOS calendar app. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
how about just caldav support?
Anonymous commented
I would love this too!!
AndAnt commented
Protoncalendar IOS app please
Christina Giunta commented
I agree with every comment here. It is useless to have the Proton Calendar on my computer but not on ALL devices. This is why I will not use my Proton account yet. I need access to a calendar on ALL my devices for me to start using Proton.
Christina Giunta commented
I have a Proton account but am not using it until they have a Proton calendar for iOS/iPhone. This is so disappointing. I have been waiting a long, long time for this and keep hoping they will do this.
Anonymous commented
I wholeheartedly agree with this. If someone sends me a meeting invite (say, using google calendar), I cannot accept it using the iOS app (either the calendar or ProtonMail). Instead I must go to a browser on my computer in order to get a prompt to accept it and add it to my proton calendar. Clicking "Yes" or accepting via the iOS app takes me to google's site, which I would like to avoid as much as possible. There's currently no way - via the iOS apps - to accept a meeting invite and have it added to my calendar. HUGE missing feature there - definitely not a nice to have, this is critical functionality.
Anonymous commented
It's not a "nice to have". I absolutely need this if I am to use Proton Calendar. I need to have my calendar everywhere I go so I can check/make appointments.
Anonymous commented
we need CalDAV access!! it's useless otherwise...zoho offers this!
Anonymous commented
When will the iOS app for the Proton Calendar released? Waiting since a long time for the application.
ncmaps commented
Over the course of 2021, we bringing Proton Calendar and Proton Drive to all users on all platforms.
per May 2021 birthday news release.
So, within the next 6 months... fingers crossed
Miles M commented
I would suggest writing the iOS app in SwiftUI - it wouldn't reinvent the wheel, it would integrate well with and scale well across different Apple platforms (especially with Mac Catalyst), and it would be easy to maintain. (And it would be easy to make widgets and leverage other Apple platform features).
R.D. commented
I would love to have a Proton calendar app for iOS to work with the mail app.
Amir Drori commented
Anonymous commented
Please update the beta app with the ability to invite guests to events. Then it will be usable.
Anonymous commented
IOS Calendar app please!