Import google calendar and .ics
Will be easier to migrate to proton calendar if we have the option to import the calendars from other platforms.
You can export google calendar to .ics format, if we could import that to proton calendar would be great.
Kenneth Burke commented
My concern about notes is that the notes field in the iOS application does not support entering line breaks. Line breaks seem to be supported by the web version of Proton Calendar.
Huskey commented
It would be great if Proton not only imports events but also event notes from Google Calendar.
r3v1 commented
Great feature
Dmitry commented
This is already implemented!
menoze commented
I think proton calendar needs a feature for importing calendar data from WebCal and/or ICS links. This way users can have their calendar updated automatically. Only imports from past or current ICS files are available currently.
Anonymous commented
Will there be the ability to tap into an existing calendar's feed. For example, I have Microsoft outlook calendar and I would like to reflect and be updated in Proton Calendar. Importing the calendar doesn't solve the problem because this would assume that you were using Proton as the main calendar. For functionality in some programs, you need to use a more mainstream tool. Is this possible to have a shared calendar that is updated in Proton Mail as well? Thank you.
Adriano commented
Yes, there are repeated suggestions like this one, they could be merged into the most voted one.
vlad commented
I think this feature request should be merged with so we could see combined votes.
Anonymous commented
I fully supprot this inititative. It would be great help!
baslow commented
Google Calendar can export (and download) to a file in iCal format or CSV (Outlook). I would be willing to download a file from Google Calendar and import it into ProtonCalendar. This should lessen security issues, shouldn't it?
Buttschnauzer commented
I'm guessing that linking between Proton Calendar and a web based calendar via iCal or direct link would be a security issue.
Clo commented
Agreed! This is the main thing stopping me from migrating from Google Agenda to Proton Calendar.
Keep up the great work <3