Offline calendar
I don't really mind whether its a bridge to an existing app - Apple Mail, Lightning - or adedicated proton app but I need a calendar that I can use (rather than just view) offline. That means adding and editing events. This seems to me a pretty basic function, without it Proton Calendar is not much use to me. I am offline a lot of the time.

[Deleted User] commented
Absolutely the most critical missing feature on proton calendar. Unfortunately makes it hard to switch to proton calendar without this feature
Zoe Nagy commented
Why isn't it offline by default?
Laurin commented
Its critical for me, especially on my phone
calloftheloons commented
I have no data plan, so internet is for emergencies only. At home I use the desktop
Tony commented
Offline Calendar is a critical feature that is missing from the mobile apps since the beginning. All alternative calendars allow you to add/edit/delete events while offline. When are you going to deliver?
timothy commented
i am without cellular data or WiFi for long periods of time and i find it really frustrating that i cannot access proton calendar during those periods.
Dan commented
In the US we still have backcountry places where mobile access does not exist. But I still need to coordinate my activities with other travelers and add calendar events that will sync to the calendar when I get in mobile range.
Thomas Colley commented
This improvement is of critical importance for me, and, I think, for much of the security-conscious community. A digital calendar becomes unviable for many if loss of internet connection renders it unable to receive edits. We need an encrypted calendar system that stores all the calendar data locally, synchronising with the cloud when internet is available. This improvement would also eliminate the long delays that occur on the Android app when editing because these delays relate to interactions with the server. An improvement to that problem is also critical for me. These are FUNDAMENTALS for an effective encrypted cloud calendar.
Mihai commented
It is a very basic and important feature that must be added in all apps (ios, macos, windows)
Nate Greensides commented
Internet went out because of a fire in the neighborhood. I tried to add an event (a doctor's appointment) to my calendar and it didn't work. Luckily, my phone data plan still worked so turning off wifi on my phone worked just to create the event on my calendar. The app should not need a data connection just to add an event to the calendar IMHO
cat8x commented
I like to (re)schedule while traveling. But with limited internet connection, I had to try save an event multiple times and it became clear that Proton Calendar is just not ready for daily use yet, unfortunately.
AL commented
Ofcourse we need a calendar offline!!! And the ofcourse also decrypted!!!
1) During a meeting I need to have easy and quick access to my calendar. It cannot be that for whatever reason there's no internet access, that I cannot access my calendar
2) Also I need to be able to search offline in my calendar. And the search results should come instantly (as is the case with other calendars) not being busy for 10 minutes to decrypt my calendar first!!
arbk commented
i travel a lot. please add functionality to add events offline
Anonymous commented
The lack of this feature makes using the Calendar app really annoying.
In order to prevent unsynced entries not noticed by the user, new calendar entries or edits made in offline mode could have a clear visual sign or notifier that lets user know they haven't been synced yet.
Please add this basic feature, thanks!
KG commented
This is very important for me.
A) When I'm on the phone, my internet connection cuts out and then I can't enter appointments I've just made.
B) I often have the phone in flight mode so that I'm not distracted, e.g. when planning. Especially then it would be necessary to be able to enter appointments.
As this issue has been going on for 2 years, I'm wondering: Dear Proton team, what's the situation?
Thank you! -
Mo commented
The fact I can't view my calendar offline on my MacBook keeps me from switching to Proton calendar. I don't want to use the iCloud calendar anymore, but need to be able to see my future plans whether I have internet or not... Please find a way to make this possible?:)
Philippe commented
Yes it is critical to be ABLE TO LOOK AT MY APPOINTMENTS OFFLINE, I let down my Samsung calendar wich do so, (with monthly widget and the ability to choose for every event between task or appointment and change the type while editing later)
Secondly it is of course important to create ou edit offline, but having a look is critical. Google calendar is able to, many of us are boycotting Google products, Proton is the best alternative calendar for confidentiality, but WITHOUT OFFLINE consultation, it is an UNSECURE reference for our appointments and organisation. Thanks for everything ! -
Ae commented
This is really critical, for both mobile and desktop versions. The loading time on Android (especially for past events) is very long, even with a good connection.
Moreover, the app is not reliable for adding events on the fly with spotty data connection. -
Anonymous commented
I don't understand how such a critical feature couldn't be a priority for such a long time.
I love Proton. I have been using it and hoping they would add this feature for years now. I am so disappointed by the company that they really don't seem to prioritize it at all. -
Sheldon commented
Yes this is a critical feature. All other calendar apps allow you to do this, and it means when you are flying / traveling you can sort out our appointments ready for them to synchronise when you get back to an area with network coverage. Please add this feature