Just enter your event the same way you would tell someone: Natural Language Input
In Fantastical you can literally just type:
Grocery shopping at Wegmans Thursday at 5pm
Lunch with Matthew at 123 Main St at 1:30 Monday
Family vacation from August 9-18
Staff meeting Tuesday 2pm alert 20 min
Soccer practice every Tuesday at 6
Sam's birthday every year on 5/16
Pizza party on the 2nd Friday of every month at 1pm
Flight 593 on Monday 3pm EST to 6pm PST
Want a reminder instead of an event? Just type in "task", "todo", or "reminder" before your sentence:
todo Pay rent
reminder Buy basil
------- This makes putting events a lot more convenient, please try Fantastical app to get a better picture of their natural language input, after using it you would never want to go back ____

Reuben Hochstetler commented
This would be pretty slick
cat8x commented
ToDoist has similar functionality and it works great.