Proton Tasks / To-Do List
Task/ To-Do List
Anonymous commented
Hello guys.. I you’re awesome.. keep going on… till now everything ist perfect.. it missed only a “to do list” + “reminder” (together) app…
Themk2. commented
I think this is coming in their collab with Standard Notes 😍... I have high hopes for it!
Kirk commented
Extraordinarily high-value target. Seamless task integration across email and calendar (and maybe something like a markdown checkbox in a Drive file?) would be a killer feature for workflow/productivity and is a key missing tool from G migration. Bonus points for specific lifecycle models (customizable would be easiest I suppose) a la Redmine, Scrum-like (StatusHero), Pomodoro/scheduling, etc..
***DECENT TEMPORARY SOLUTION*** : It would likely be lower effort to simply allow specific labels to be "pinned" to the RHS of the mail UI with specific enumeration of messages. This could easily "evolve" towards a task list if presented in a checklist form. For example, I create a "Tasks" label and "pin" it to the RHS. (RHS options are currently somewhat limited to User; Contacts; Calendar; and Security views; this would help make better use of this space.) The subject line of each email with that label would then be listed under that RHS "view", possibly in chronological order. Going off of the GMail tasks view, there would then be specific options for those entries to a) check them off the list (e.g., remove the label); or b) jump to the original message.
huntertwharris commented
This is something we need. the suggestion of using the password manager I got from support is NOT helpful.
Flex commented
This included in a notepad would be great
Anonymous commented
Proton task management / todo app similar to Microsoft Todo, Things or todoist, with all the security and collaboration integration with calendar and mail.
User commented
That's the one thing preventing me from switching my calendar completely. I'm so frustrated right now to have to use multiple duplicated apps, just can't wait for Proton to offer basic products that can compete with the mainstream data stealing competition.
Cortland commented
Microsoft To-Do would be my reference. Its a nice tool to have multiple lists of items to accomplish that can also tie into Mail. "Flagging" an email to have it show in the To-Do list, and also a "My Day" list that can incorporate chosen tasks from each list for a given day.
Lukáš Volent commented
You could create a secure TO-DO LIST in which it would be possible to work in the same way as in Microsoft to-do list. I think that many of us have sensitive information in that letter that we don't want to share with followers.
Edward commented
I want to migrate to proton mail from gmail.. but turning emails into linked tasks is such a productive workflow for me.. really need integrated tasks app for dekstop and phone with email and calendar apps.
Rick Desnoyers commented
To be able to drop MS and Google would be 'dreamy'!!
s commented
For me the biggest value of Tasks would be auto daily carryover to "Today" until checked/deleted.
Gabriel Nunes commented
How come this is still under review?
foxpup commented
As life happens, I accumulate a list of thing I need to do, some eventually, some urgently, some likely never but I don't want to forget the option. Some have hard deadlines other more fuzzy ones. Being able to keep track of and rearange/organize all these would be very helpful, expecially when combining it with good privacy. Privacy is what has kept me from using existing tools like what google does. I bet Proton could do much better than that. If the app could gently nudge me about tasks that have deadlines that would be helpful if done well.
April J Wolstencroft commented
To Do list that is an app on my phone as well as linked with the calendar or email account. And, I can share with others (eg shopping list, kids holiday lists to share with family, chores).
Anonymous commented
TO DO APP and lists would be great to start , then with upgraded features, especially if can send an email to TO DO APP, if things need tending to , and also possibly integrate to calendar
Anonymous commented
Add a TO DO app , basic version of todoist or ticktick , be able to send email to to do list and to integrate to calendar
Aaron Cornwell commented
I would like a feature that todoist does very well. Things like typing "Meal on 13 March 3pm" or "Meeting every weekday at 6pm" "Meeting every other Thursday 4pm" etc
Then an option to remove the context prompts
Matte.GATES commented
Please make a reminders section or reminders app. I don't want to use Apple's reminders app but no other synced and encrypted reminders app is E2EE or has a well designed and easy to use UI/UX. I will pay for this feature!
John Teixido commented