Proton Calendar
709 results found
One-click events
I find when scheduling things like my work shifts it is very tedious to have to enter every field over and over again when the only thing that changes is the dates. But my schedule fluctuates too much for me to schedule it as a recurring event. It would be nice to be able to save a pre-configured event like "Day-shift" and then just be able to drag and drop it on the days I work the day shift.
4 votes -
Overwrite single event notifications by calendar default
If a calendar's default notification options are changed, an option shall exist to apply the new notification setting to the already created future events, being them one-off events or recurring events (aka series).
3 votes -
calendar invite add picture to notes
I want to add a picture and/or document to a calendar invite e.g. a map snapshot of location with directions; or an attached .pdf to review during the meeting that needs to be read beforehand. Along with showing various time zones esp for international meetings, this is important for using with business meetings.
2 votes -
Agenda view for widget
The calendar widget shows the current day only. I'm not such a busy person that I have multiple private appointments per day. What I would need is an agenda view, a list of either the next X events, or a list of all events in the next X days.
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Zero knowledge proof android/iPhone app integration
Zero knowledge proof android/iPhone app integration is the idea. Many apps integrate with your default calendar. Not all deserve to know 'everything'.
Example: map app wants to remind you about an event and to set a route. It doesn't need anything else. Allow that app time/date and location, but only before the event through a notification, or pre-authorization.
This may require a false 'default' calendar of sorts, where you share those parts of events with it. Every app should see only what it needs though. (Multiple defaults? I'm not a dev unfortunately)
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Public holidays – Kazakhstan
The new feature public holidays feature was fascinating! However, I couldn't find my country on the list and I wish to help resolve this matter.
I have created a table that lists the major holidays celebrated in Kazakhstan:
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Fantastical input method
Give us the capability to input data like in the fantastical Calendar app: haircut, 16 december at 16:25 it creates an event on 16 december 2023 at the correct time( with a custom duration) . Just try Fantastical once. Like we are talking with an assistant.
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1 vote
Default description and location automatically populated in a calendar
A default calendar description and location would be great. I send a lot of calendar invitations to people using the exact same description and Zoom link information. It would save a lot of time to have one of my calendars fill all that information in by default instead of having to copy/paste that info each time I create an event in that calendar.
For instance, one calendar is a "teaching" calendar. Any event created in that calendar could have the description and location field pre-populated with the desired information.
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Time Zone Conversion
It would be nice if on the left side were it lists the hours of the day if you were able to add more than one time zone and customize the font color for each. Business is often done in many different time zones and it would be convenient to have a conversion available in the calendar.
1 vote -
Setting to show overlapping events
So I know this is likely a niche case that doesn't apply too many people.
But when I'm planning out my week I use multiple calendars based on the context of what I'm doing. And I also put a buffer time onto events.
I also will "Double-book" events over each other on purpose because I'm not sure how long events will take but I know "I want to finish this stuff today". Which Proton Calendar lets me do with ease.
However, on the mobile Calendar App, when I go to the Agenda view. It hides all overlapping events, and only…
2 votes -
Do Not Disturb (or silent)
Add automatic enabling of Do Not Disturb (or silent) mode when an appointment is flagged BUSY
(requires free/busy setting for appointments!)
4 votes -
Submit modal dialog with keyboard
When the modal dialog 'Update recurring event' opens up after changing the time of a reoccurring calendar event, the focus does not get set. When editing the event itself, you can submit by pressind 'Ctrl + Enter', but when the modal opens, this does not work.
It would be nice if the focus would be automatically set on the modal dialoge, so that you can choose from the radio button options with 'arrow up' and 'arrow down', cancel with 'escape' and confirm with 'ctrl + enter' like in the edit event panel.
3 votes -
Support for alternative calendars formats (Hijri, Jewish, Hindu, etc)
As the title mentions, it would be great to have support for alternative calendars. I frequently need to consider dates from the Hijri calendar (in addition to Gregorian), so it would be nice to be able to see dates from both Hijri and Gregorian at the same time.
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Widget options to display event description or location.
Would be great if there was an option to show either event description or event location in the widget. Would require a slight widget layout change to accommodate.
For example the time could be moved to be on the left side underneath the date, and then the description or location could be shown where time is currently displayed.
If the description/location is too long, you would only display a part of it so that 1 event doesn't take up the entire widget.
3 votes -
I would like to have continuous syncing between my Google calendar & Protonmail Calendar
So I was able to sync my calendar one time to my Google calendar. However, changes have been made to my Google calendar (by clients, unfortunately I don't want them having access to my Protonmail calendar and I can't get rid of Google due to third party integrations). Can we have a feature to where Proton Calendar continuously syncs with my Google calendar daily/hourly instead of a one-time import and none of the changes since that one-time import now show???
11 votes -
Duplicate events from external calendar into Proton calendar
Most of the time, I'm not interested in every single event from the calendar I imported into Proton. But it would be useful to be able to select a relevant event and add it to my own calendar
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1 Day Alerts for Events
When entering an event we can choose: At the Time of Event, 10, 20, 30 minutes, 1 Hour, 1 Week or Custom. There isn't an option for "One Day", which is rather bizarre to my mind. Of course you can go into "Custom" every time you set up a new event but that is a royal pain in the ... er... neck! So much so I made the effort to come here! This a really simple upgrade Proton... pretty please!
6 votes -
Setting event time with keyboard
I'm trying to use the keyboard more and the mouse less. When I create a new event that is not an all-day event l always stumble when setting the time. Let's say I want the start time to be 08:00. I start typing "08". The time picker pops up, and the time "08:00" is highlighted. So far so good. But now I expect to be able to select the highlighted time by tapping the enter key, the space key or the tab key. None of them work. I either have to click in the time picker with the mouse or…
7 votes -
Accept for example "1 PM" to mean "1:00 PM".
When entering an event that has start and end times, if I type for example "1 PM" and tab out, the time is not saved as "1:00 PM", but instead resets to whatever time was there before. I think entering for example "1 PM" or "1 pm" or "1pm" should resolve to "1:00 PM", and so on.
2 votes
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