DASH payment option
I would like to pay with dash. It is the only cryptocurrency with instant payments. They are having lot of inovations implemented and lot of things will be in near future.
Please alow us using the most decentralized currency for payments for donations and other stuff on protonmail service.

Anonymous commented
I would upgrade to a premium account as soon as Dash payment is supported. Dash is innovating and the only cryptocurrency trying to become a payments system
JYF commented
As a paying ProtonMail customer, I would love to buy all PM stuff and services with Dash. Please consider it!
Scott Newbolt commented
Moreover Dash has PrivateSend! Protonmail should very much want to support this private means of payment.
Anonymous commented
Yes, either Dash or BCH would be a good option to add, or better yet, both. Sadly BTC is worse than useless now for these kind of payments.
Anonymous commented
You could make a proposal to the Dash Masternode Network so that they cover the cost of integrating Dash into your system. Dash has a monthly budget of $10 Million and they are distributed through voting. They could easily cover your expenses for the integration.
Anonymous commented
I would instantly buy "Professional" + VPN Plus if you integrate Dash.
The reasons why you should accept Dash: Instant transactions with fees under 1 cent. This protects you from price fluctuations and your customers from wasting $40 on transaction fees. :D -
skaarup commented
Bitcoin does not have private send and Protonmail should value DASH and its private features!
James commented
convert and use bitcoin for now
https://protonmail.com/support/knowledge-base/paying-with-bitcoin/ -
Napoleon Dynamite commented
+3 I am shy about Bitcoin which is not fully anonymous unlike DASH
DASH is privacy oriented and a major selling point for ProtonMail's stance on security if it were to be supported
http://youtu.be/eAznLOqNrwY -
TradeUp commented
As I stated in the monero request, I think ProtonMail should just set up a BitCoin payment system and then use shapeshift.io services to shapeshift just about any type of incoming crypto to BitCoin. Too many crypto's hitting the market to make it worth while to accept all of them.
I did give a vote to Dash, however, I think that the best way would be to use shapeshift.io. And for the record, I have no ties to shapeshift.io in any way... -
TA commented
+1 (out of votes)
Roel commented
Anonymous commented
Dash and ProtonMail is definitely a perfect match. Go for it, you won't regret it.
Anonymous commented
Yup, I've been thinking of getting a private email address, and Dash would make it super easy for me as I only carry Dash :)
Anonymous commented
Yes, please integrate DASH payments! This is great alternative to Bitcoin.
Anonymous commented
I want DASH too!
Anonymous commented
Yes, please add DASH support. I would really appreciated this - this is certainly more important than Bitcoin support
Soli1 commented
Yes dash is far superior to that of bitcoin, please integrate asap!!!!
Anonymous commented
Great idea and perfect fit, the Dash community is one of the Nicest and most active out there
Anonymous commented
Instant and private transactions, now which merchant wouldn't want this, it's even got an api for easy integration, you would have to be mad to miss out