Regional pricing
It costs the average Russian nearly two day's wages to pay for ProtonMail Visionary. It costs the average German just over two hours.
Average wages vary drastically throughout the world, which is why large international companies like Spotify accomodate poorer nations. The same Spotify premium plan is equiv to USD 18.42 in Denmark compared to USD 4.50 in Argentina. This opens up their market to a global audience who would otherwise be unable to afford their service.
So what can we do to prevent someone in Switzerland paying for ProtonMail in Mexican Pesos?
Global issuer identification numbers: the first six digits of every single Visa, MasterCard, Amex issued is associated with the country of issue, the card type (credit, debit, prepaid), and the bank that issues it.
This would stop an Australian with a 375414xxxxxxxxx paying for the service in Russian rubles.
This can be gradually rolled out country-by-country for simplicity.
PayPal, Bitcoin, mailed cash payments could all be linked to CHF as-is now.
* Wages:
* IIN database:
* Spotify Pricing:
* Stolen idea:

Ray McClarty commented
I have talked with friends And we like your offer of 1 month to try, But the US price for Canadians is just too expensive at 40% higher in US funds. So thanks anyway but we decline for this reason.Also these additional reasons Nord VPN is cheaper. Bitwarden is cheaper and for mail, many others work FREE that are comparable. IE (120.00 in US funds paid annualy in Canada is 167.00 This will not work for the average canadian
Batuhan commented
We also need it for Turkey. This is the only barrier to move my things to proton services
Anonymous commented
This is the only barrier to move my entire stuff to proton. I really like the service but the price is so over the top in my country, it’s cheaper to do a home server than to pay them. 10 times cheaper. Considering internet monthly fee and energy as well.
春華 commented
I think VPN plus pricing 9.99$ isn't good enough and appropriate for our
users in China.9.9 Euros is equal to 77 chinese RMB , which is equivalent to the price of 70 bottles of ordinary 550ml mineral water, which is very expensive for us in developing countries, and it is not worthwhile. Many local economies are still lagging behind, and even China's economy is accelerating. The situation in China where the average monthly income of more than 200 million people is only 1000 RMB equivalent to only 4.99$ per month of other VPN provider actually (we cannot afford for 9.9$ per month to use and access Google Youtube Twitter etc) and also facing the problem of housing, accommodation, water and electricity bills in China's economy is shrinking fast. Hope that these areas can be properly targeted with preferential pricing strategies please. This is important. -
Elisabeth Suligoi commented
I tried to write down everything in the title place, my apologies first time here to leave my opinion on Proton Stuff... I am a fan of your contents, honestly. I am a user of Proton Mail and Vpn from several years by now and I suppose I need just to wait for you to fix some drive issues to finally feel free to slowly get rid of my old, hacked, stalked, found (not for joke) on dark web google account.
I also lost my ownership on my mail account several times, it has been an endless fight against the manipulation and the nevernding robbery of my data in a massive and unbelieved way, The modern concern about the toxic relationships has some deep roots into reality, I am afraid to say. When this misapprotiation of all my private and intimate contents starts it is not a quick and shy experience, and changing the smartphone does not help. the worst part of this is that is hard to find somebody that believes that I am not just a paranoic liar. I changed telephones and numbers but somehow the hacking days never end. Yeah I am very tired with this lonely battle against people that has of corse the informatic knoledge which I miss, and the money to spend just to exasperate me, while trying to find a way to stop this people changing my personal data, unending changing of my recovery infos like telephone numbers, often my contacts disappear and I see unknown mails and cell phones... so I can not be calm and forget to check my stuff because I spend all my energy trying not to lose my mail accounts, sometimes When it happens I am not even able to delete the accounts, all the settings are constantly adulterated and Guess what, all it ends at once when I try to explain to somebody. nothing evident to worry about... shortly in conclusion I have found no solution jet to this lack of security, I can not get rid of my worries of losing again all my stuff I wanted to saved for me. Now I am not doing any stupid **** not appropriate videos, not pretty nor, embarassing and personal pics, not for sale on the dark web without my permission. I asked some help to the police but it ended with a lot of money spent in legal defence and nobody gave a **** to all the lost accounts and God knows what about the rest.... The lASt time my smartphone was KNOCKNED out by unknown intruders during january and february this winter 2024. I lost all my passwords and all mybank accounts WAS violated. I CAN not afford the top Proton plan, I told you this situation to justify my waiting for a sign of comprehension from you that more than others may feel the discomfort of acting like everything is OK because some good hacking job is not visible and also not good reasons to justify to anybody why it happens. I know so stupid to treat wrong people as friends but hej never found something that really suits me in this town. I would like to have some chances to add some spices to my digital skills and if possible buy some adequate stuff to avoid stress and build stronger security to protect my privacy in future. thanks in advance for reading my personal perspective today 😊 -
ARUN KUMAR commented
Proton Plans are pretty expensive for countries like India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Indonesia and other South Asian nations. That is the main reason why many users are hesitating to switch to paid plans, which will have harder impact on other aspect their lives.
We request Proton to consider this if they want to increase their user base in developing countries.
ARUN KUMAR commented
Make proton pass affordable for developing countries where per capita income is low as compared to developed countries.
Shanty commented
I am very thankful to the Proton team for creating these user-centric privacy based apps and providing them for free. I would love to support the company and it's cause by switching to paid plans. However the current plans are too expensive. Especially in countries like India and make it difficult for us to make the switch.
I hope the team can come up with plans that take purchasing power parity into account and are priced accordingly.
[Deleted User] commented
Yep, I'm sure that regional pricing with local currencies it will be more interesting and a great competitor for big companies, it is really difficult to pay the current price for Proton services around here. Unlimited is high, family? higher, visionary?, no way, impossible for an average person. Here, only people that really matters their privacy supports this kind of services, the price is an important factor to continue on this way. To give some context, currently a Family Plan on a non-privacy big service is less than half of Proton Unlimited (Personal Plan) price.
PaperLux Design commented
Please consider the region of the user/payee to set the price based on Purchasing Power Parity.
For instance, 9.99/month for the unlimited may be ok for those leaving in rich countries but is expensive for those living in 3rd world / developing countries. -
LG commented
It is very difficult to pay US$12/mo in Argentina. On top of the currency exchange, we have to add nearly 100% in taxes.
I don't want a free service, I want to pay something that makes sense.
SS commented
They really need to lower down their pricing so that more users can subscribe.
SS commented
Yes but then many are waiting for the prices to be reduced. I care for my privacy but then paying 290 USD is out of reach. It is like half month's salary for many here.
ohoh commented
The differential between Office 365 in Switzerland and India applied to Proton's 290 USD plan would result in a 179 USD charge, which is still pretty high.
I wonder, whether Proton can generally find a better way to balance its need to be commercially viable, while also making privacy affordable for everybody across the globe.
They should generally become cheaper the more people start using the service, since marginal costs should be negligible.
There could be stretch goals for the number of users to hit, before the services become cheaper for everybody. -
SS commented
Please bring country wise pricing for your individual plans and family plans. I am from India and would love to upgrade but the pricing is out of reach. Here, the Proton family plans cost around USD 290 for a year, where MS Office 365 family plan cost around USD 80 for a year. Kindly check your pricing for countries like India.
K commented
The cost of servicing your account (giving you storage, support, etc) is the same regardless if you live in Brazil, US, Ukraine, or Mozambique. I can sympathize with folks where their income level is below that of some other countries but I don't think it's fair to ask PMail to drop the price for people located in other countries. And what's to stop an American from jumping on a VPN, getting a Brazilian IP, and then joining and paying that lowered Brazilian price? Too many loop holes.
In the same sense, if you wanted to drop prices for lower income level areas, you'd have to increase the price for higher income level areas. So folks in ProtonMail's back yard (Switzerland, with some of the most expensive cost of living in the world) and countries like Norway would then have to pay a higher price than anybody else. That's also not fair.
I know some porn sites do this - they detect where the visitor is from and then might offer a lower price - or a higher one - to join that site. It's called GEO targeted pricing. Their argument is that "someone in Norway is used to paying more for luxury goods like alcohol etc, and their income is statistically x% higher than in the US, so they can afford and EXPECT to pay more).
they use the Big Mac as an index. Take the price of a Big Mac in the US. If the Big Mac is 25% lower in, say, Ukraine, then the porn site might offer a membership 25% cheaper to a visitor from the Ukraine. But if the Big Mac is more expensive, like in Norway, then the price increases.
I think that's silly and unfair. -
Lev Zenin commented
Also for Ukraine, plsBecause our currency pricing is jumping too fast...
Redacted for privacy commented
This is more than necessary
Redacted for privacy commented
If you live in Brazil like me, paying in Dollars or Euros is not viable, the commercial dollar here is currently equivalent to almost 5 Brazilian Reals. Just imagine yourself paying 5 times the current price in dollars, that's what it is for us to pay for anything in foreign currency. Realistically it would be even more since our minimum wage in BRL is lower than the minimum wage in USD. I'm not even starting about EUR since it is even more expensive than USD.
If you want to expand your business globally you MUST account for the difference between economies around the world, because most of them are a lot worse than the U.S. and expecting people to pay prices based on american economy is just unrealistic. Every big software/game store in the world has regional prices (Steam, Origin...).
Anonymous commented
This is very much needed. By scanning the initial few numbers one can identify where and by who the card was issued so please introduce pricing based on PPP terms.