Visionary Multi-User Support
Instead of creating new Member within the Organisation, let us "add" People that already have an Protonmail Account to our Organisation.
The benefit of that is, the Member will keep it's own Account even after he leaves the Organisation and the Admin/Visionary User just have to allocate the Addresses and Storage!
Simply said: The Admin Creates the Organisation and Add Member with their existing Protonmail Address. If the Member is on a Free Plan, he will get the benefit from the Visionary User.
When the Member leaves the Organisation, he will then fall back to the Free Plan.

Bill Schneider commented
I had 4 free accounts for famiy members and I am having some trouble "merging" them into our Visionary accoutn. Needs to be an easier way so my whole family can benefite. Also, we have a custom domain but I want the ability to create user names under / etc....
Julius M commented
Giving the choice to create a Family or an Organization is a very nice idea, and this would differenciate the Proton Visionnary plan from the Family Plan (which are similar), +1 !
Holog commented
@raspberry, great idea, offering Proton Visionary users the choice to establish either an organization or a family would be the perfect solution.
raspberry commented
Dear ProtonMail Team,
I hope this message finds you well. First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continuous effort in providing us a remarkable email service, promoting privacy and security. I am a dedicated user of your ProtonMail and ProtonVPN services since its beginning, the quality and reliability of your services have truly enhanced my digital life.
As described above, in regard to the sub-user account functionality, I have a humble request that I believe may enhance the experience of many users, especially those who, like myself, utilize both the ProtonMail and ProtonVPN services regularly. As the current state, it seems we cannot associate ProtonMail addresses such as those ending in,,, and with sub-user accounts. They are currently only allowed to have custom email addresses, and Proton Mail domains are exclusive to the primary user account.
This limitation has a bit of inconvenience as it requires frequent switching between the primary ProtonMail address and the custom Proton Visionary address. Hence, it would be highly beneficial if sub-users could also have the Proton Mail domains in addition to their custom email addresses. This functionality appears to be available in the new Proton Family plan, so incorporating this into other plans, such as the Proton Visionary, would indeed be a great step forward.
Moreover, I would like to propose a new idea that might contribute to further enhancing user flexibility. Would it be possible to provide Proton Visionary users with the option to create either an organization or a family? This would grant users the ability to optimize their accounts based on their specific needs and usage scenarios, further augmenting the adaptability and user-friendliness of your services.
Thank you for considering these suggestions. I believe that these enhancements will add considerable value to your services and greatly improve the user experience for many users.
regards from Japan
Hermunt Koabeng commented
Greetings, I reckon this proposal is quite splendid. I've been an ardent patron of Proton right from its dawn, and in due course, I introduced my kin to it after I procured the Proton Visionary Plan. I'm inclined to persist with the Visionary Plan, albeit with privileges akin to the Family Plan. Currently, my family members are often alternating between their individual ProtonMail accounts and our custom domain in order to utilise the Proton Visionary paid functionalities. The situation, I must say, lacks efficiency, and one could argue it's not the most effective way of operating.
Maxime commented
Hi, I really like this idea. I've used Proton from the start and moved my family to it when I got the Proton Visionary Plan. I'd like to keep the Visionary Plan but with the same perks as the Family Plan. Right now, my family often switches between their ProtonMail addresses for emails and our custom domain for VPN and Drive use. The process could be markedly more streamlined.
Holog commented
Unfortunately, currently, it is not possible to add Proton Mail addresses to sub-user accounts.
Sub-users cannot own email addresses with the,, and domains. They can only have custom email addresses.
At this time, addresses with the Proton Mail domains can only be added for the primary user on the account.
It would be great to allow Proton Mail addresses to be added for sub-users as well (as it is in the new Proton Family plan)...To continue sending mails with the address and benefit from the Proton Visionnary plan to access the VPN with the same account (instead of switching everytime from address & @<custom> Proton Visionnary address).
By advance thank you,
Best regards.
Jeff commented
And allow those members/users to have addresses as part of organization
Miki commented
+1 !!!