Only allow login with single/main address/username
Do not allow that you can log into the account with every address.
If my account name is john.smith then only allow login with john.smith or Not with or any other address.
Perfect would be if you would have the choice what address can be used in order to log into your account.
With the current way you have to give away your login username in order to send emails. Hiding the username from the public would be an advantage, since they would have to guess your username and the password. Not only one of them.

Thomas Anderson commented
Dear Proton,
Please implement this feature.
I work in IT for large supercomputing infrastructures, no doubt as your origins are from CERN, you are aware of how easy it should be to implement access rights management feature like this.
Perhaps it could be sufficient to just add 'Access Rights Management' and then a dropdown or checkbox for each e-mailaddress where you can choose the Permissions.
E.g. below
Username 1 or Proton E-mail alias 1 |
Allow login to Proton account?: Checkbox: Yes |
E-mail can be sent from this addres?: Checkbox: No |
Can access services other than Protonmail? Checkbox: Yes |E-mail alias 2 |
Can login to Proton account? Checkbox: No |
E--mail can be sent from this addres? Checkbox: Yes |
Can access services other than Protonmail? Checkbox: No |E-mail alias 3 |
Can login to Proton account?: Checkbox: No |
E--mail can be sent from this addres?: Checkbox: Yes |
Can access services other than Protonmail?: Checkbox: No |In the above manner the primary username is used to login only, and never exposed sending an e-mail.
Furthermore, other e-mail aliases cannot login or access a different Proton service, but just send e-mail, as is their purpose. These aliases can be selected from the already existing dropdown function Protonmail has.
What does this accomplish?
- The benefit of never exposing your username externally, annihilating the first coordinate of the attack surface. If you don't even have a username to begin with, you'd have to guess/bruteforce that too.
- A neat segregation of access rights, it's not necessary to be able to login with all e-mail aliases. Some are only used to send e-mail with.
- We already trust in Proton's sturdy security practices. You don't just get an ISO 27001.
But this approach also eliminates cybersecurity mistakes that might occur from the user end, accidentally exposing an e-mail address that can login, which helps a hacker who now only has to focus on a password and 2FA vector.What if the hacker obtained our exposed e-mail and sends phishing e-mails (we all know there are sophisticated AI spellchecked & grammatically correct phishing e-mails these days) and we accidentally click on a bad link?
If this hacker obtained our password, but not the username (because we never exposed it) he will try to login with the Proton e-mail alias we use for e-mail only, which he will never be able to login with, because of access management.
Then it all comes down to robustness of security practices in Proton's platform itself, which I trust are already top notch.
Please provide us with this feature and make the picture complete.
Oticman commented
I find it really absurd that you can log in with aliases!! Please implement this feature asap!!!
Aliases must be handled like "hide-my-email" aliases.
Thank you very much. -
Serhii Tyshchenko commented
If this is not fixed, I'm leaving protonmail.
Lütfi Altin commented
Rob commented
This is the second most popular Accounts & payments feature (excluding various crypto payment option requests) and it has been requested for over 7 years. Proton, please look into this!
toosoonmoon commented
I purchased Proton thinking that I could get the security I need to protect my accounts and email. I intentionally paid for additional addresses so I could manage some for banking and other logins that if there is a data breach someone doesn't start attempting to access my email. Right now I am daily getting attacks against my outlook email. The +alias option is useless because it exposes your real email. the passmail option may not be allowed by some institutions. The way that would have made sense is to block logging into your proton account with anything other than a unique user name that you keep to just proton while using email addresses for your account log ins. Not sure I will continue forward with proton if this option is not created in the near future.
Anonymous commented
Why isn't it already implemented ?
Unsatisfied Donkey commented
Its unbelievable that this is still not a feature. I have been reading around the internet and the biggest answer I get is "Proton is a supporter of the idea that security through obscurity isn’t security."
As a paid user? I dont care. I am and I expect my money to going to every bit of security possible, especially if its something that doesnt increase overhead for you and its simple to implement.
For me, my login name is something in no way associated with me and I wish it to be so. I simply dont like the idea of making information like that public. A freakin OUTLOOK can do that. But with proton, as a paid user, I am forced to make my login name public simply by sending an email. I made a switch to proton last year because I wanted to maximise my security. I just learned this is the case and I am starting to regret my decision.
Get yourself together proton. This isnt a feature difficult to implement. Costs you next to nothing.
For people not interested in feature like this, simply make it a toggle in the settings. Not an issue.
Jay Newman commented
Net Coaster commented
Extremely important feature, please implement it. it shouldn't be that difficult to do that. Obscurity is not security but would prefer that the hackers have 0 of the 3 needed info than 1 of the 3 needed info.
Stifler commented
wow, open since 2017 and not fixed?
Miko (mīkō) commented
Adding my support and real-world use case... Due to my info being exposed in many data breaches I have abandoned several email addresses. On my MS Outlook account I am able to disable logging in with all but one email address. This email address is dedicated to the purpose of login and is never used for sending emails. This limits the risk of the login email being exposed in data breaches. My login email address does not contain my name or any other PII. As stated already, it would be ideal if logging in could be limited to the "user name" only and or 1 email address. Another way to say this is, I want the ability to disable use of any of my Proton email addresses for the purpose of logging into my Proton account. Hope this helps. Kind Regards, M.
ProtonJ commented
Please Proton Team, this should be an easy security feature to add. I hate that any of my email addresses can be used to log into my entire proton account, I should have the ability to use an email that hasnt been exposed externally as my login, thus preventing any brute force attacks on a compromised address.
Evil Spider commented
I m shocked that I can login with aliases, this is really bad.. We really need an option to select the login username, especially as more services are linked now.. We use same account for passwords, vpn and mail
Essie commented
I was surprised I could login with all my aliases.
They're aliases, not accounts, so I really wish other people couldn't (try) to login with those emails.
I don't want to use randomized email aliases for everything, so that's why I use protonmail aliases for more important things, but dont want the ability to login with those emails... hope they can add an option to turn it off and only be able to login with the account email -
We need to share this as much as possible with the entire Proton Commujnity. This is a very very very important and critical issue.
Paul commented
This is critical. Allowing login with any of the alias emails is a serious security risk. I *never* use the primary email in order to protect the account from hacking but Proton undermines this by allowing login using other emails. Please fix this serious risk ASAP.
AP commented
I'm back here reaffirming the importance of this feature to me. This feature which I use with Microsoft Account has saved me from attempted hacking / account take over attempts. I can put my "Main" email address out there without that same identifier being the login address for my account.
With data breaches happening all the time and our email information getting put out there, having a way to secure that email account by using an alternative identifier for log in is critical in maintaining account security. Please implement this feature.
Rob commented
I literally just signed up for uservoice for the sole purpose of voting for this suggestion. As an Unlimited paid Proton user, I'm reluctant to use any of my other email addresses anywhere because like others have said, it increases the possibility of someone being able to hack into my account. After learning these emails can all be used to log in, I'm going to deactivate the vast majority of them (nullifying one of the big benefits to being a paid customer). Proton, please fix this... pretty please with a cherry on top!
Basile commented
You could simply append your username to your password (e.g. SecurePass-john.smith). This way the attacker also needs to guess your username and password.