Only allow login with single/main address/username
Do not allow that you can log into the account with every address.
If my account name is john.smith then only allow login with john.smith or Not with or any other address.
Perfect would be if you would have the choice what address can be used in order to log into your account.
With the current way you have to give away your login username in order to send emails. Hiding the username from the public would be an advantage, since they would have to guess your username and the password. Not only one of them.

[Deleted User] commented
At the moment when you create an alias there is no way to turn off that alias or main username as a login vector.
You should add the ability to turn off all forms of sign in Usernames/Emails but one. Of a user's choosing.
So, let a user keep his main username/email activated as a login vector and let the user turn off others that they do not want as a login.
Also if a user wants an alias to be his main login let them add it as a login and then let them have an option to turn off their main username as a login vector.
Similar to how Microsoft Outlook lets you choose to turn off any emails and phone numbers as a way to log in.
D commented
This feature is of highest importance. It is the only thing I was disappointed about when switching to Proton. Please, Proton, allow us to select which usernames/email addresses can be used to log in.
This is a critical issue. Without that, having multiple address is just multiplying the risks...
Please Proton team, make a rule or a setting to only allow login from the "default" address selected. -
Guy8888 commented
If this feature is implemented, I'll be inclined to buy a paid Proton subscription.
It's essential for me that I can have multiple email addresses that can't be used to find my Proton account. Obscurity is the best form of security.
Thomas Anderson commented
The things is: using e-mail by definition exposes your username to others. That same username is used to login.
Why would we expose this username externally at all?
A custom username (e.g. 20 or more random characters) being the only credential that can be used prevents this.
Thomas Anderson commented
Dear Proton,
First of all thank you for all the great work and efforts, I think you are a fantastic company. For real!
The situation is, many of us may have used our protonmail e-mail addresses in the past to register at external websites (shops etc.) way before Simplelogin was introduced.
Having multiple e-mail addresses that are able to login to the master Proton account increases the attack surface, if a hacker breaches a webshop and obtains our Proton e-mail addresses.
Could we please gain the option to login with a custom username only and disable all login with, and e-mail addresses? So the option = only authenticate with 1 custom username.
This way we can create a long secret username that is never shared externally, e.g. in your password manager, and it increases the security because any e-mail addresses that might have been obtained in the various recent breaches are not able to login to the Protonmail account (e.g. if they try to bruteforce it.)
The ideal scenario would be:
Login with password, secret username and 2FA = never shared externally. Only credential with authorization rights to login.
Protonmail / / = rarely shared externally. Can only send mail, use Proton functions.
Simplelogin domains = freely shared externally for e-mail purposes, create new alias when compromised and disable old one.
This is not paranoid. Take a look at the news recently. The current cybersecurity climate demands us all to step up our game and remain ahead. Please implement this.
Thanks for reading this far.
mih commented
Please implement this feature
Professor Tor Coolguy commented
This seems like a terrible oversight on the part of Proton. I really want to get a paid account, but just like that other encrypted email service that begins with a T, I can't get behind my secure, DeGoogled email and productivity suite being LESS SECURE than the snoopy one I'm trying to leave behind.
CC commented
Was looking to get a Proton Mail subscription and ditch Office 365 Personal. This thing right here is a deal breaker for me. It's such an amazing feature that I used a lot in Outlook. I never give out my login address so a hacker would have to guess my login address on top of my password/2fa.
Will stick with Office 365 until this is implemented, if ever. -
David Garcia commented
Personally, I don't see any problem with allowing logins through any of the addresses. Especially if you have enabled 2FA and Sentinel. I prefer to keep the service as is rather than drop an existing feature that might be used by many other users, even if you are not aware of it.
Ontkibbeling commented
I was in the process of switching to Proton mail completely, but then, as many others, learned that I can log in using any of my aliases. This is absurd, and makes me immediately roll back my switch to Proton mail.
This would simply make my setup LESS SECURE instead of more secure, handing out more chances of attempting to compromise my proton account! -
A commented
Having several email addresses registered, I would like it if one could select just one of the addresses/usernames to serve as the only log-in address/name. Currently, all addresses can be used to log in, while it is not possible to set one address as the unique sign-in name. Using only one sign-in name would increase security, as one could choose a name different from the email address that one usually uses.
Mau Z commented
This is honestly so bad! If i have 10 aliasses then the chance of someone attemting an attack is literally 10 times as high!
SenkaWolf commented
I was debating what mail service to switch to and ended up moving to Proton. After paying for Mail Plus and experimenting with aliases I noticed that I could sign in with any aliase I made. This gives account owners one less line of security for their accounts.
Outlook offers this a togglable feature and with iCloud mail you can only sign in using your mail iCloud email. How come these free services offer better account security when it comes to handling aliases but Proton who shouts about security and privacy but doesnt support this baffels me.
Katarzyna Ferreira commented
I feel this is crazy that it's not an option, we create aliases to keep our email private. Especially now when I use the same login to get into proton pass and drive, I think this is really critical and urgent. Please consider this.
jm commented
I didn't realize login was allowed with aliases until I saw this suggestion. This is scary. I don't see any benefit to the user to be able to login with say 5 different email addresses for the same account. If they are the real account owner, they should have no issue securely storing the credentials for the main/login account (whether this is the original one, or something chosen as others have suggested). Allowing login from any alias just increases the likelihood of an unauthorized party gaining access.
Snodgrass commented
I propose this feature to increase the security of the account.
So, right now, if an account owner connects his domain to Proton and creates several additional email addresses, each of these addresses can be used to log in to the owner's account.
I propose to introduce the ability to prohibit login using certain emails.
For example, when creating an account with Proton, the account looks like this: john.doe@protonmail.comJohn connects his "" domain to his account and creates new email addresses:,
John can use each of the three addresses to log into his account.
A new feature is proposed to make it so that John can deny logging in to his account from e.g. Or all of them, except for any one, so that John won't block himself.
Austin commented
Any email that I have floating out there on the internet, I do not want to be able to have that used to log into my account. I would love to be able to choose which email address supports logging in.
Andy commented
This would be an awsome feature. Would also add a lot of security.
eggsbenedict commented
This! Being able to select which username or email address used to log in would be a beneficial security feature. Please implement this!