Monero payment option
I would love to be able to create a truly anonymous email account so I would like to be able to pay for premium accounts with Monero or Bitcoin.

Hi everyone,
For our thoughts on Monero, check out our Bitcoin deep dive with Seth on the latest Opt Out podcast:
Pal commented
A private anonymous payment method like Monero is absolutely essential for a privacy service like Proton.
jethro katuntu commented
monero es muy importante
Austin Springer commented
This is high priority to me. The only reason I haven't upgraded my plan is because I can't yet pay using Monero. I even paid for SimpleLogin using Monero (through a gift card), but hoping that I can pay for Proton services in the future.
Bo commented
I support this functionality and would pay a premium for it
Jelani Thompson commented
It would be good to have this option. I'd definitely upgrade.
D commented
This is an incredibly important one.
Currently using disposable virtual payment cards as a "meh" solution.
Would LOVE to see proton accept a privacy focused crypto. It would bolster both communities significantly. -
Anonymous commented
Accepting Monero payments should be considered essential for any privacy focused service.
Marcel commented
monero would be awesome
Виктор Петровский commented
monero would be a great payment option
Shawn commented
Monero, please!
J A commented
I've been paying for a professional plan for multiple years. The silence on this key feature is so concerning and strange that I intend to move to another system. I mean, you have to wonder what the reason is. This thread is over 5 years old, over 7500 votes...
red rosee commented
How a privacy based vpn doesn't accept privacy based cryptocurrency still in 2023?
IgotIdeas commented
Has there been any public statement why they dont want to add monero? Seems ridiculous at this point
Enr commented
Any ETA?
Tom commented
I'm using proton for about three years now for free but would buy premium in a blink of an eye if it was possible using Monero. Great service but it's missing the most wanted payment when it comes to privacy and for me it's not even about that, it's just more convenient for me to pay with Monero because all my money is in it.
Fight Roil commented
The excuses and delays are becoming increasingly conspicuous. No respectable privacy-focussed product on the internet has any business defaulting to any payment option other than Monero. So easy to do.
Marc commented
5 years later, crickets.
They're all about the privacy and anonymity though.
Gordon Lin commented
XMR and BCH please.
- commented
Monero is the best privacy coin. Bitcoin is atrocious for privacy. A service like Monero MUST accept Monero if it wants to be deemed as private.
Anonymous commented
What's stopping Proton Mail from accepting Monero?