Shared inbox
Non-personal, shared (aka functional) mailboxes are commonplace in businesses - a central mailbox for a particular purpose accessible by multiple users. A similar need is also common for personal use (e.g. each spouse has their own personal mailbox, but also have a shared address for things like bills or school notifications)
1) Best option would be to allow an address to be created and assigned to multiple users within a ProtonMail Organization. That avoids forwarding of emails and also avoids having to log out of one ProtonMail user and then log into another user in order to check the shared addresses.
2) A potentially easier alternative would be to allow simultaneous login to multiple users via the Protonmail client. Thus you could login to each user account once and easily toggle between personal vs. shared mailboxes.
3) In the meantime, could you at least add an additional Action to the Filtering function that would allow you to auto-forward an incoming email if it met the defined conditions. This is not ideal as it essentially duplicates the data and the "other" user won't have replies in their Sent folder, etc. It's messy but better than nothing.
Siemen commented
Just gave this item 3 votes. This is a very important issue. In my first company, we managed a shared inbox for over 10 years. It made life so much easier. All mail [via alias] arrived in a central mailbox from where all was answered. I would like to have at least the possibility to have multiple people manage the info@ mailbox
Anonymous commented
We desperately need this feature to be able to turn off proxying our mail through a secondary MX router; we can convert all our aliases using SimpleLogin, but without the ability to share the joint alias for parental emails, we can't get rid of the router.
Randall commented
Also can't upvote this enough. If you value businesses, please support their needs! That will make you a more attractive email provider.
I have to use Microsoft for my company, so I have Microsoft linked to my domain, but I send all of my email to Protonmail. This could change if I don't have certain functionality. I don't want to be sending my information to Microsoft, but I also have to think about how scalable Proton is.
Having a shared inbox makes Proton scalable.
David commented
Can't upvote enough. I'm on a visionary plan and really would appreciate this feature, together with shared calendars, as others pointed out
Ryan commented
This is a critical feature for operating a business and I'm genuinely surprised ProtonMail haven't implemented this already. Get it together guys!
Angela Brown commented
On Proton Business it says (and has done for a while now):
Distribution lists (shared addresses) - Coming soon
Keep teams on the same page by assigning multiple users to the same email address (e.g., Contact the sales team to be notified when this feature is available.Yet I don't see it in the planned or started status? Agree with others, this is a must for business use.
Dubsmachine commented
Upgraded to Visionary to get my family onboard and while I have easily setup accounts for all we are missing a shared common address we can use between us for certain things.
Also would be useful to have ability to create a shared calendar too.
Sair commented
Completely agree; from either a business or family point of view there needs to be a way that different users can access the one (shared) email address via their individual login. Crucial.
Alexandre P. commented
critical feature
John Cronin commented
Proton Mail Team: 1) This IS an important feature for a good email system. 2) Looking back through this thread I see this issue is approaching 3 years in age. This is a bit disconcerting. 3) I think the Proton Mail Team needs to be more open and transparent about feature improvements, expectations, and timing.
Kerry Panchoo commented
this is a very critical feature for organsiational users. I've moved my whole business to protonmail but now have to use another domain for tickets@ support@ site@ bounces@ contact@ since these are used by application to access filter customer and other incoming mail into CRM and ticket system. This has become an issue because customers routinely send a message to .com domain which is on protonmail.
These should be standard POP or IMAP accounts should come with an "insecure" activiation toggle setting on address creation. And give red warning popup message and check box so the users knows and agrees is not protected.
Heiko commented
I'm waiting for this feature since the early beginnings. When the Professional Plan came up I never thought that this feature would be missing. The following Threads are all dealing with the same or similar Topics:
I use Proton for my family too, but I gave up waiting for this basic functionality. As you can see, all the planned topics are not related to Professional-Plan features at all. So I decided to leave the Professional Plan when I finished setting up my own Mailcow Server.
James commented
Crucial feature for me, like many others my wife and I need a shared address to be able to manage emails to the kids school/daycare.
Karl Royal commented
Something like this is definitely needed... My situation:
My wife and I have a protonmail professional subscription. We each have an account for our own custom domain.
I have an email address called "bills" setup under my account. When i receive emails to that address, i have a rule that automatically moves those emails to a "bills" folder.
Problem is, there is no way for me to share that email folder with my wife... it is unique to my account.
A fix for this would be either to have "organization" or "company" email addresses that were generic/are viewable/usable by all users or allow the ability to share an email folder from my account with my wife's account so it appears in her folder list also.
DK commented
This would be a game changer really. It would be extremely helpful for both my business and my family, and will allow me to be able to recommend ProtonMail more widely to friends and colleagues. This is a quite serious Achilles' heel for ProtonMail if they were to be taken into serious consideration by organisations and not just individuals. I hope they prioritise it!
Florian Hemmann commented
Highly needed for any business with more then 2 employees. There is so much manual work to automate here.
Already considering moving away from Protonmail because of this... -
Kim commented
This ... So much this!
Or at the very least the ability to share folders between accounts.
That way one account may filter mails send to a specific alias to one folder. And this folder shared between relevant accounts, but the use-case described by OP. -
Robert Campbell commented
This feature would be very useful. If you have a team who should receive a certain set of emails, this would be a great way to make sure they can both send and receive emails from this one 'alias'/address. I could see this also being useful for couples who want certain emails to go to both members as well.
Mike commented
This is a really urgent feature request. Can we please have this soon!!
Menno commented
As a family with young kids we really need this feature since we would like to have an email address that school and other organizations use to contact both parents.