YubiKey support
The dedicated Protonmail community deserves a real response from the crack team of Protonmail scientists and engineers. When are you implementing Yubikey or are is your tag line just bs?
"We are scientists, engineers, and developers drawn together by a shared vision of protecting civil liberties online. This is why we created ProtonMail, an easy to use secure email service with built-in end-to-end encryption and state of the art security features. Our goal is to build an internet that respects privacy and is secure against cyberattacks.
We are committed to developing and widely distributing the tools necessary to protect your data online. Our team combines deep mathematical and technical knowledge from the world's top research institutions with expertise in building easy to use user interfaces. Together, we are building the encrypted communication technologies of the future."

deskjockeysid commented
I use the Yubikey hardware token on many of my accounts and apps. I am not a fan of cellphone-based authentication apps for 2FA logins. I have much more confidence in the security of a hardware token like Yubikey than authenticators provided on or by "big tech' companies with their "privacy invasion" based business models.
Please add Yubikey hardware token support to login authentication (2FA) for at least a primary and backup token (in case of loss).
Andrew commented
Search results for this tell the story Coming Soon(tm) since 2015!
Qubits314 commented
Lastpass failed to deliver on U2F, so I failed to renew with them. The single line item preventing me from going with a visionary subscription is yubikey/u2f support. I am sure there are many others in my shoes. It has been years of "coming soon". Get it done already! Thanks!
Jeremy commented
Please, we need FIDO U2F ASAP. This is a very important feature.
Boggles my mind that implementing this isn't a top priority for Proton Mail. At least they don't use SMS for 2FA though.
micheal phil commented
why does AOL app keep closing in my iPhone 10 (mobile) all the time. Please help me, this AOL application keep crashing in my new iPhone 10 also why does AOL app keep closing in my Mobile?
fkrc commented
It would be nice to add FIDO1/FIDO2 authentication.
My problem with Google Authenticator is that it is still using passwords.
We know that passwords are not nearly as secure as a FIDO2-device like Trezor Model T.
Please see https://blog.trezor.io/why-you-should-never-use-google-authenticator-again-e166d09d4324 for more information. -
fkrc commented
t would be nice to add FIDO1/FIDO2 authentication.
My problem with Google Authenticator is that it is still using passwords.
We know that passwords are not nearly as secure as a FIDO2-device like Trezor Model T.
Please see https://blog.trezor.io/why-you-should-never-use-google-authenticator-again-e166d09d4324 for more information. -
fkrc commented
It would be nice to add FIDO1/FIDO2 authentication.
My problem with Google Authenticator is that it is still using passwords.
We know that passwords are not nearly as secure as a FIDO2-device like Trezor Model T.
Please see https://blog.trezor.io/why-you-should-never-use-google-authenticator-again-e166d09d4324 for more information. -
knds commented
come on guys! This is such a basic feature for security, please put it in your roadmap!
Billy joe commented
Honestly. I’ve found some competent providers
. Was this a bribe what? Cause the fact blind eye is given to yubikeys protocols tells us this m company is a lazy and not respectful of clients or protecting them
Billy joe commented
Inkdft Tutanota because I knew it supported yubikey surely and no?
Gals I didn’t go premium. Will keep people updated if I find a provider who take full care over their customers vulnerabilities
Anonymous commented
What I find fundamentally wrong with this email is that for years, users have been asking for this service with no response. Why should I continue to use and pay for this
Thierry commented
You should target the U2F protocol rather than one specific provider....
Daniel commented
I just registered to test the console out before moving domain email. You are lacking Yubikey support, passwordless WebAuthn Yubikey support would be nice. This is a massive fail. Phone OTP is not secure. I cannot use this system until Yubikey is supported like I have with Gmail.
I need to use an IMAP client, if this needs the GPG key loaded in Thunderbird, Yubikey can store GPG in a slot.
Alfredo commented
I'll add to the pile of users that would like to see U2F support.. Just in case they need more people to weight in to bump this in the higher priority feature list.
Ted commented
I've came here to add to the pile of comments asking about yubikey support. I am a happy protonmail user who upgraded to premium tier. Lack of yubikey support makes me seriously think about migrating away.
One of protontomail competitors https://www.fastmail.com supports yubikey, and I encourage everyone to migrate to it if this feature is important to them.
Gordon_Cole commented
Got a new Yubi Key thinking I'd be able to use with ProtonMail as the sole 2FA method. Instead, I have to rely on Yubi's app with the hardware key to produce a 2FA code to input. This just makes the process lengthy and reliant on Yubi's software updates. Please implement Yubi hardware 2FA. Love ProtonMail otherwise.
Gordon_Cole commented
Just purchased a Yubi Key thinking I'd be able to use with ProtonMail as the sole 2FA method. Instead, I have to rely on Yubi's app with the hardware key to produce a 2FA code to input. This just makes the process lengthy and reliant on Yubi's software updates. Please implement Yubi hardware 2FA. Love ProtonMail otherwise.
Anonymous commented
When is the beta for Yubi? What is the time frame looking like?