Integrate Bitcoin Cash as a means of payment
Integrate Bitcoin Cash as payment option
Protonmail has Bitcoin Core (BTC) as the only crypto payment option and it does not serve as a means of payment, since BTC transactions have expensive fees and often exceed the cost of the service offered by Protonmail, for example today the transaction was about $16 the fee and what I had to pay for the service of Proton was $23.83 dollars. Therefore I suggest that you add as an option to be able to pay in Bitcoin Cash (BCH) which is the Bitcoin that keeps the original properties of the Bitcoin that Satoshi created for payments and the transaction costs less than 1 cent of a dollar. If we compare: less than 1 cent of dollar using BCH vs 16 dollars fee using BTC and both have the same properties, I think it is urgent to add BCH as a means of payment. Thank you and many of us are waiting for this!