Fire Andy Yen
With Andy Yen supporting the Trump administration, an administration that targets the very people Proton claims it want's to protect, I don't think my data is still secure with the company. There is no way to trust the promises Proton makes, when it has a leader that sides with people who undermine them.
BeepBeep commented
cancel culture is outta pocket
Overuse commented
I think it is important to pause for a minute to point out that the smallest bit of this discussion is that Andy Yen supported Gail Slater, *but* that he said the reps would stand up “for the little guys” *and then* answered comments *using the official Proton account* to back his political stance.
At best this was highly unprofessional; at worst Proton has a big structural problem, or both. And Andy Yen's “apology” on Reddit that he was misunderstood is not enough. It is perfectly valid to demand personal changes after this. Just because Yen founded Proton doesn't mean he is immune to any form of criticism.
Also, the last few weeks have shown pretty effectively, that the reps and especially Donald Trump aren't standing up for the little guys (except if you define little guys as the new big-tech oligarchs that Gail Slater would fight according to Yen; or dictators around the globe). It is not important if Andy Yen is generally supportive of Trump or the Reps, if he is conservative or right-wing, if he is left-leaning or progressive. What *is* important is that exactly what Proton should protect against (tech giants doing what they want with user data, censorship and States defying human rights) is what Donal Trump and President Musk are opposing, and it was obvious to begin with. It is just a shame Proton didn't find clear words against Trump now or before he got elected. -
Tuxi commented
It's worrying how people here are trying to discredit Andy Yen just because they don't agree with his political beliefs. Respectful dialog instead of censorship and intolerance would be more appropriate. Andy is doing a great job with Proton and that's what counts !!
Donovan commented
I'm a new user to Proton and very concerned about this issue. However, I found the analysis at compelling, alleviating a concern brought on by this post.
"my findings suggest that it is far more likely Andy is a liberal rather than a pro-MAGA Republican"
Daniel commented
Wow.. I just paid for Proton Duo but you support trump.....
FSEN commented
All links from comments are dead, can anyone clarify?
oooook, what is your thing here? -
Tim commented
Seriously, you people need to get a grip.
Arnie commented
Trump is the best thing that can possible happen to the Proton community! If anything, he will make everything MORE secure.
Phillip commented
This is some steaming pile of cancel culture trash. Yen is a legend. This visionary + SN user says keep him!
Overuse commented
Least is an excuse from Proton that they backed Andy Yen's stand ( Andy Yen supporting Trump and the Reps would be bad enough, but Proton as a Swiss non-profit dedicated to privacy, security and by that extent human rights backing these stands, when Trump the guy in question more than once said a lot of anti-democratic and human right infringing stuff is disgusting.
I am looking actively for alternatives to some of Protons services because of this. I would have also phrased the idea differently, but voting for this shows my opinion regarding this probably best. -
T commented
I would have worded it differently but the result would be the same. Andy Yen needs to step down.
Jey Sea commented
Yen's personal comments, and Protons mishandling of the response is worrying. It does raise some concerns about the direction and underlying trust the offering is built on.
I have been concerned about his leadership since they started wasting their energies on crypto wallets and AI cruft when the core products themselves still have so many issues.
I don't know if Yen deserves to be replaced, but I would like to see Proton show (rather than talk about) how they're going to move forward with both products and the re-establishing trust
AndyRevealedHimself commented
This is indeed a major revelation, demonstrating that Proton is in fact not neutral and as Swiss-rooted as they have claimed.Very disappointing. His assertion that he will not make future political comments makes it even worse, signaling worrying political affiliations that are hidden from public sight. I cannot trust Proton anymore.
jodie commented
It is clear to me that Andy Yen wishes to open the door to getting on the 'good side' of the fascist Trump administration while insisting that he, and the company he is a CEO of, are completely neutral, and therefore critics are "biased" and therefore not to be trusted. You don't "give credit where it's due" to groups and ideologies that are fundamentally built on exploiting and controlling all those beneath them.
Andy Yen must go.
Rien commented
I agree, at the very least I want a clarification of the Proton Foundation if they stand behind these posts or not.
The post by SecurityWriter resonates with me, and ~400 others currently: