Separate Password for Proton Pass
I don't use ProtonMail as my default mail service, therefore my Proton account is protected by a generated password that I can't and don't want to remember (using Bitwarden).
Having a way to use a completely different password than the one of my proton account to unlock Proton Pass will be a dealbreaker for me.
You can now set an extra password for Proton Pass in addition to your Proton account password, allowing for better compartmentalization and peace of mind.
This feature is rolling out today to all Lifetime plans, followed by a staged rollout for Unlimited plans, and it will be available to everyone else over the coming days.
Greg__ commented
Clark Everson commented
The way you developed this feature is not what users asked for. This feature request is not closed
The way you implanted it is that we still login with our proton login, use our two factor, then use the extra passwordThe core requirement of this feature request to make proton useful for all users of this request is that proton pass has its own password that is independent from all other proton apps
Please reopen this feature request -
AdminProton (Admin, Proton) commented
For those looking to vote on a separate password completely detached from any existing Proton credentials, please vote here:
LT commented
Unfortunately it appears that the Proton Pass Product Owner has decided to implement something that was designed to address their perception of user concerns rather than what the users actually wanted.
Perhaps the challenge of wanting to keep a single password across all apps vs separating the password for one of the apps presented too much of a deviation to their design philosophy.
I was looking forward to switching to Proton Pass, but sadly the current login setup is a dealbreaker for me.
Marcus commented
As others have said, this is not at all what I voted for.
1Password is doing this perfectly, you have one password that is easy to remember that is required to unlock an already authenticated device. To authenticate a new device, you need the master key (which is not rememberable, but doesn't need to be) as well as the possibility to add a OTP layer of protection for new devices.
Feels super secure, and allows me to have an easy password the unlock whenever I need to use 1P to login on a website..
John commented
I just finished reading:, that's not what I voted for. I think this is not a bad thing what you implemented as "extra layer of security" but I want to set my "Proton Account" password to be some super random ultra long gibberish and my "Proton Pass" password to some secure but somehow memorable. I want to unlock the "Proton Pass" with the "Proton Pass" password and if I want to sign in to my Proton Account, let's say to read my mails I am going to copy out the "super random ultra long gibberish" Proton Account password to sign in into everything else besides the Proton Pass Account.
As I already mentioned, I think the "extra password" feature as implemented can be good for some people, but a "seperate password only for Proton Pass" is what we requested.
Andy commented
I think what the community asked for was a separate password for Proton Pass, but not the additional one.
As I understand it, a separate password was asked for was to make Proton Pass an independent (from the Proton account) place to keep your passwords and other confidential data.
I am not entirely sure the additional password would do the same job as a separate password.
Kaleb commented
I think there has been a miss communication with what has been requested vs what has delivered (which I think is a great option to have might I add)
But this isn't quite what was requested / voted for by users :(
An alternate password is wanted for Pass, a sperate password from the one used to log into the rest of the Proton suite of apps.
Kizu commented
this was not the idea proton. it was not. come on.
Time Pencil commented
Separate password! NOT an additional password. Good grief!
There's no prospect of me ever applying a second password to Pass. (There's also no prospect of me ever paying for Pass while the desktop app is 'dark mode' only.)
Congratulations, Proton, on taking your first step towards enshittification.
Paul commented
From what your proton pass email says this is not what we asked for at all.
Basile commented
Looks like proton didn't really understand the feature request. They are implementing an extra password (you will need two passwords to unlock proton pass) but the feature request is about having a separate, independent password (you only need this password to unlock proton pass, you can save your proton mail password in proton pass).
Craviee commented
Thanks for this, after this is done I'm gladly moving from BitWarden to Pass.
P.M has an excellent question, when can we expect this feature to be released? -
P.M commented
How long do you guys think that this will take before this feature get released?
Simon Jacobs commented
Please add other login methods for users to choose between. Just having the PIN on PC seems unsafe. It would be great if entering a Masterpassword (such as with Bitwarden) or using a physical key would be possible.
Shawn commented
Proton Team, thanks so much for this feature! Now, it would be great to also support the option to unlock using a security key like Yubikey as well instead of just signing in for the 1st time.
SD commented
Great news! Thanks.
Tony Hackenberg commented
Yippee! Glad about this development (separate password for Proton Pass)!
Anonymous commented
Fantastic news! Thank you so much!
Thomas commented
Took some time, but I'm glad to see it happen! This is genuinely exciting news