Folders and nested subfolders
I want to be able to use folders and sub-folders. I use strongbox on iOS which is based on keepass. It allows for as many folders and sub-folders that you want. I use folders to keep my stuff organized. I don't like having all my passwords and whatever in one big long list. I also using keepass as a bookmark manager. I really like the idea of your "vaults", but again I have over like 3000 bookmarks and folders are really needed. Also attachments with built in viewer is also important. I like to convert a lot of websites to PDF and store them as attachments, so I can view them later. Keepass is the only one that can view said items, everyone else you have to download said item to view the attachment.

VRobot commented
Proton Pass could be better to take notes with if we had a way to create folders inside of vaults to sort them out. Currently, we can only move notes to another vault.
Dennis Stoltefuss commented
Yes, that would be great if this comes. So that you can put your notes into categories. Hope it will be implemented
Kelly commented
Labels/folders are definitely needed, especially those of us coming from keepass
Luke commented
Folders or tags are essential. As a Bitwarden user for many years, I'm accustomed to having my logins organized. I have vaults to separate family passes because I manage all my family logins, but there must be organization inside every vault, folders or tags of some sort.
The best way is imho tags, that can be selected on the filters screen. The filter button should be on the top left of the list where it shows the list filter name. The same way the sort button is on the top right of the list. From there we can select what type of items to show and also filter by assigned tags. -
Serge commented
Having folders is critical for me. I am accustomed to LastPass and it has superb organization via folders. I have hundreds of passwords that are organized by type in folders and in ProtonPass it's just a jumbled mess. The search feature is not cutting it.It's critical for me to have an ability to organize my passwords by folders, without it i will not switch to Proton Pass.
Maurilio commented
Upvoted folder and Tag featur. For me is a must have feature. After an import I realized that there is no possibility of creating folders, accustomed with KeePass I consider it essential for me.
\m/(O••O)\m/ commented
Different icons . custom icons, new Colors & color wheel to add more color variety .Allow us to import our own pics or avatars to use as icons and identifiers for the content inside . Expand the onboard icons a lot . Folders - Customized as well . Maybe even a pool we label and customize and along the top are the passwords organized by labels and folders which are put up too and below are different customizable areas .. From there just drag and drop each item into the appropriate pool - customizable area . Thanks
voyager2bird commented
I'd prefer tags over folders. Tags are more versatile especially if smart search is included to show existing tags when typing. But yes, some level organization and search is needed.
Steven commented
I will not commit to Proton Pass until it features robust organization. Like many other commenters here, I have nearly a thousand entries in my current application, pwSafe (Windows / Mac/ iOS / Android), and Proton Pass fails to meet my need for organization.
pwSafe is not directly supported for import to Proton Pass so I exported pwSafe to .cvs and formatted my content to match a Chrome import to Proton Pass. This worked procedurally, but I lost every bit of organization and it's a jumbled mess in Proton Pass. It's just not usable.
Whether folders or tags or both, this is needed immediately to be viable for power users. Both folders and tags would be best for those (including me) who use a mixed approach.
Vaults are not a substitute for folders or tags. This is just not practical. If limiting vaults is a method to encourage subscribing to the Pass Pro feature set, there's got to be a better answer. Proton Pass is also too jammed-up in window size to accommodate titles of any length. There's so much potential here and these missing and crippled features would be incredibly simple to deploy and/or fix in a database structure. I do hope you folks get on with this.
I'm posting here because this thread has the most votes, but the fact there are 2 features mentioned is weakening the importance. Someone at Proton should straighten this out and make 2 threads of it. I'm probably going to create a 2nd account to bring this under one thread and apply another 3 votes to it.
Nomen commented
I agree with this suggestion. I wouldn't mind having a labelling feature as well, like with emails.
Julian D. Mü. commented
Upvoted folder or Tag feature. It is a must have feature before migrating to proton pass. Please proritize
Thomas V. Fischer commented
Adding my votes. It should also be able to import folders from existing managers
SIC_46 commented
I think that this thread represent two separate requirements:
1) having a subfolder structure
2) allowing attachmentsI really need a Folder and Subfloder structure to best arrange all my data.
A sub vault structure also would work; the idea is to be able to arrange the stored data in more than one level. For me this requirement is CRITICAL.For the attachment, i see the need for it but I personally does not need it for the moment. It would consume even faster your space available on Proton servers
MAQ commented
Please, we need folders and sub-folders to organize the logins in the Vault.
Proton Pass Import should import all the logins with the folder hierarchy.
We imported 1066 objects into Proton Pass; in the previous Password Manager, these objects were organized in the folder hierarchy.
In Proton, now all mixed up ☹
For example, we have multiple logins for the same website, which were organized in sub-folders based on the login type and role.
Now, in Proton Pass, we can’t distinguish between them; the only way is to check the username.
Not sure how Proton Pass auto-fill will work for these items, as all entries have the same website URL.
Bob commented
I will also like to say proton maybe slow at rolling things out, but at least they have things right when they do roll out something. Unlike some companies that will roll out something then worry about bugs and security issues later.
bill commented
I feel this request is a bit a mix of 2 separated ones:
- one concerning correct import of folders/hierarchy from other pwd mngrs
- one concerning attachments of files to an itemI feel that if a bit or order can be made, this would be easier to tackle for Proton and more effective.
Regarding the file attachment missing feature, there's already a specific request:
That is what I'd like to request specifically, personally.
Not being able to attach files directly to the items (e.g. 2FA recovery codes image, text files with backup encryption recovery key), maybe through a ProtonDrive integration, that would be super, is what's keeping me now from switching over from KeePass. -
Bob commented
I will also like to add unless Ayne is a fortune teller or someone who can see the future what does he know what proton will do? Unless he works for proton then maybe I am wrong....
Bob commented
Hello Ayne Hancer, Don't tell me how to use my password manger. If I want to use it for "Bookmarks" that's my business. Most people don't realize that bookmarks can tell alot about you and I wish to keep my bookmarks private. The best way to do that is a password manager. If it is good enough for passwords then it is good enough for bookmarks too.
Ayne Hancer commented
"attachments with built in viewer" Proton will never add it in your lifetime...
A password manager is not for that kind of use... Get Anytype for that instead.
This is not a bookmark nor a pdf manager, you use the wrong tool.But simple attachments and sub-folders, yes, really needed, I think they must be added in 2047, maybe later... Because it's the Sloweeessstttt company ever...
Brian commented
Definitely needs attachment feature. Example: Drivers License entry might include a .png attachment of the actual front/back of license card.