Autofill credentials and TOTP with keyboard shortcut
To make ProtonPass more 'feature competitive' compared to Bit Warden I suggest adding autofill with autofill keyboard shortcut and the TOTP copy feature.
Example: Bitwarden has settings to disable/enable Autofill by default. Each item in a vault as a custom setting to honor/dishonor that default. And Bitwarden supports a keyboard shortcut. There's a separate setting to enable copying TOTP to clipboard for x seconds once an autofill event happens.
These combined with small attachments are 'critical path' items to fully replacement Bitwarden.

Magnus Fortmane commented
Effortless autofill and short cuts are a necessity. I can't believe this isn't implemented yet. I would like to use proton pass, but I'm not switching from your competitors until it's implemented. It's too much work to use your application without it.
Tommi commented
I totally second this. I spend so much time and it is so annoying to have to move the mouse around all the time!
KnoxxFox commented
I would love to see a feature similar to Keepass as well, an auto fill hotkey for username, password, Username [tab] password. I find this feature is great for users that do not install the browser extension to keep their password manager away from the browser. Since the browser is the most vulnerable tool we use to access the internet. With the password manager being used in the background at least I feel more secure than having them attached as an extension.
Levi commented
I used KeepassXC before, and it had great autofill feature triggered by keyboard shortcut. when no match was found, it would show a search bar to look up the right login - it was perfect!
edit: perfect is going a bit far, it did occationally fill the wrong fields or type into nothing...
the best solution I can think of is to trigger a search bar with a keyboard shortcut, and then be able to either autofill or copy either username or password - I don't mind triggering the feature twice, once for username and again for password.
Anonymous commented
Please! This is so annoying to NOT have
danieldddddd commented
Bitwarden has this - the TOTP is copied to the clipboard after the password has been filled to the field, then it's just Ctrl+V and enter to get past the TOTP field.
Erik Craddock commented
Forcing users to use a mouse to click on things is not a good idea. This application is just an experiment until it has keyboard shortcut support.
Jan commented
Needed for Firefox!
uzer commented
this is very critical for any password manager.
to much clicking and switching between windows otherwise...
oswin commented
As already commented, this is likely a duplicate or elaboration of #46860538.
@Proton, is there a way to unify the two so that upvotes are not divided between the two? At the time of writing this comment, this particular request could have twice as many upvotes had it not been duplicated!
Rodrigo commented
This is a **must**! The second I realized this I went back to Bitwarden.
memmnon commented
This is truly needed! Trying to switch over from Bitwarden, but I don't know long I'll last without CTRL+SHIFT+L.
Ribbon3682 commented
This is why I still use Bitwarden. BTW partially duplicated: