Don’t? Just get back to actual useful stuff
Please make calendar useful and other privacy oriented tools. Invest in mail. Stop supporting pyramid schemes like cryptocurrency
CZ commented
I went from Unlimited to Visionnary to have access to the wallet.
Some people, you see, care to have a Proton Wallet.
If you don't like it, don't use it. -
Enrico commented
I totally agree with Adam. Improve photos, drive, mail, calendar.
Bill Jorth commented
The wallet is interesting but is really out in left field when there is so much that needs to be developed in Drive, Photos, Write, and even Mail is needing some serious updates.
Hullie commented
I'm using/supporting proton to have a alternative for google/microsoft suites.
At this moment proton is definitely not on the same level as them, but I keep using proton and rely on them to make the products that matter better.
What is proton doing?
Redirecting resources to functionality no one ever asked for over the backs of the original supporters. There are tons of user requests in the other categories.
So please focus on the things that are important to your userbase and abandon this wallet project.