Ability to remove/delete attachments
Attachments are not always worth keeping, so please add ability to delete selected attachments as an alternative to simply downloading them.

Brooks commented
IanL commented
It's a basic feature, vital to save on storage space, online and offline. Please can we have it?
yubi commented
yes please, very useful feature... to be able to delete selected attachements and only keep the main body... with at note that specified that X attachment was deleted on date XX
Tom commented
I've never given this much thought... until today. I did a search to see if this was possible and found this thread. So, please add me to the list of clients who think this feature is a good, no, great idea.
Andrew J. commented
Follow-up on the re-appearing attachments after engaging Proton Support:
1. Messages moved from Proton *are not deleted*
2. The message is retained in All Mail
3. The message in All Mail is effectively restored when the attachment-free message is moved back to ProtonWorkaround (untested by me):
1. Copy the message out of Proton
2. Delete (to Trash) the message on Proton
3. Delete the message from Trash on Proton
4. Move the stripped message back to Proton -
Andrew J. commented
Not only does Proton lack the ability to delete attachments from a message in the client using the bridge, the PWA or the mobile client, but it forces the storage and re-attachment or those attachments!
When a message is transferred by IMAP to a mail server which supports this basic operation, the attachments are removed (and the message is modified accordingly), then the messages are transferred back, Proton non-consensually modifies the message and re-attaches the attachments.
This indicates that Proton is storing the attachments even after the messages containing them have been deleted. -
Larry commented
This is my only problem with Protonmail! Please keep up the good work, but I would really like this feature to reduce usage of data storage. Thanks
Sorrel commented
Came here and made an account to suggest exactly this. Glad to find I'm not the only one who thinks this would be useful functionality!
WS24 commented
Really surprised when I found out that it's impossible to remove attachments while keeping the message. It also helps to reduce the size of the inbox. This is a very important feature, please add it.
Florian Kreul commented
Pls add this feature. It helps to reduce data waste, help to meet the data protection regulation and helps reduce costs because less redundant data need less energy. So it will be also good for our environment.
Dennis commented
Please add this feature. I had someone send me a doc by mistake. I want the rest of the email and the other attachment, but I now have personal information of someone else, and I'd like to be able to delete it. This seems important!
FC commented
I would be able to keep the email messages without the attachments as I feel being able to delete attachments is necessary, for multiple reasons. Security of files, space requirements, etc ProtonMail is an excellent service, but I surprised that it lacked this basic feature found on most other email services.
Bastien commented
I think this is actually more of a security feature than a storage issue. The fewer places I have personal or sensitive data stored the better. And received emails can contain sensitive information that we may want to store somewhere else and remove from emails.
Bruce Jacobs commented
Yes, please allow deleting attachments but keeping the message.
Mello Mitchell commented
Would also be nice to delete an inline or file attachment before sending an email.
Slicer commented
Very important to be able to delete attachments on any service that charges for data storage
Paul Szuster commented
Please we need this feature especially given Proton's space is much less than Gmail and other providers
Luc Le Blanc commented
Please add this feature. Be smarter than Gmail, that doesn't offer it in order to raise the amount of storage needed to keep e-mails.
Belisama commented
Please, move your votes to this thread 👆🏻, so we can bring visibility to the issue. Many thanks.
Belisama commented
Please, move your votes to this thread 👆🏻, so we can bring visibility to the issue. Many thanks.