Why can we not upload and send more than 15 mb? Are we back in the 90s for ever?
Think protomail is great in many ways. But it is getting sort of useless when sharing photo and sound with upload limit to 15 mb only.

This has now been increased to 25 MB.
Encrypted commented
Or a feature similar to Apple's Mail Drop.
A.M. commented
The idea with 10% of mailbox size is the best. It can be 10% or 5%, I think it's enough.
Stian commented
Yeah, 15 MB is WAY too low. I'd prefer the limit to be at least 0.5 GB for free users. More for paid users.
Anonymous commented
I think the upload limit should be 10% of the mailbox size, so if you are a free user, you get 50mb of max attatchent size. If you are a paid user with a 5gb mailbox, then you should be able to upload a 500mb attatchent.
A.M. commented
15 MB is too low. Friends can't send me more than 3 photos in one message. I only hear the comments: "your e-mail service is stupid, Gmail is much better".
Jasper Siepkes commented
I agree with the above commenters; It's an E-Mail service (ie. messaging), not a file exchange system.
a commenter commented
It is called Email. You can use it so send messages. It's not a fileexchange system.
logart commented
Don't you know the wetransfer service? you can send files up to 2GB to another email address. If you are worry about privacy you can transfer those files encrypted to the person is receiving the wetransfer download link.