Read emails in plain text
It would be nice to be able to read emails in plain text (with an option to be the default mode).

otto commented
Is there an explanation why the developers ignore this incredibly important safety feature?
littlemark commented
Echoing the comments shown below. The ability to view email messages lin plain text format is a critical feature when dealing with potentially suspect content.
Proton Mail is a great tool. Please implement this feature to make it even better.
Twip commented
Much need in the Android app at least, use cases:
- some people somehow like to send emails typed in a fancy cursive font, reduced to a tiny and unreadable size in Android (had to copy and paste in my notes app to read it)
- some html newletters are incorrectly displayed in dark mode when a colored background is applied in the email embedded html, i.e. text switches to white because of dark mode, but an html yellow background is left unchanged
Kevin Yosef commented
it's 2023, and no progress on this?
Sandwich commented
If I could +10, I would, so have the maximum 3 instead.
This is an absolute "must have" in my opinion, having moved over to a Proton Ultimate subscription I'm really surprised there is no support for this in Proton. With all the tracking crap in emails now-a-days it doesn't seem analogous with a privacy-focused service.
I'd be perfectly happy weathering some discomfort in reading a poorly formatted text email over having HTML emails, as other users have mentioned it can be distracting, annoying, and just plain unwanted. Just give me the message content, I don't need (or want) the sparkles.
Many thanks
Marc commented
How is this not an option?
Would this not negate the need for "tracker protection"?
Someone commented
Same I would love to able to read emails with plain text as a user default option, so it can enforce my theme.
And a toggle per email to switch to html/text if needed. -
Jeffrey Satkowski commented
Would love an option to read emails in plain text, forcing html to be plain text. Plus make it an option that can be set as a user default as well.
Anonymous commented
I Second @morgan, @TU request. javascript will render when veiweing an html email with embedded javascript. Even images can be crafted to subvert image redering libraries. The receiving protonmail user need not even click on any link, but get infected, identity stolen, cross-site-scripting, etc just by rendering html w/javascript or images.
Raphael commented
I would like to have an option so that by DEFAULT all composed email will be composed as plain text. At the moment I have to click on plain text every single time because everyone sends me HTML emails but I never want to reply with an HTML email ever. It's really annoying to do this all the time.
And then I want the same for incoming email: It should be stripped down to text by DEFAULT when the option in settings is activated on both the web app and the mobile native app because all this HTML email that is difficult to read on various screen sizes is really annoying.
Anonymous commented
HTML emails, they have: complicated layouts, can contain adverts and are worse for readability. Is it possible to automatically convert an inbound HTML email to plain text, containing the message text without any of the additional formatting etc? I hope other people beside myself would appreciate this, to make life a little easier. Thank you.
Joe commented
I still can't believe there is not an option to both read email in text mode and force email reply to txt mode
Mark Stenglein commented
In addition to the security issues with HTML email...I also really dislike dealing with HTML email. It's ugly, distracting, and difficult to read when covered in must-load images.
Anonymous commented
Plain text for received messages, is a protection
please provide it. -
morgan commented
We have composer plain text can we have a receiver plain text? Html is evil
Anonymous commented
I fully agree. I'm very glad that the facility to compose plain text mails was finally added, but the option to force plain text rendering for received mails, even if they were originally sent as HTML, is also very important. Ideally, this should be the default mode.
HTML messages are a security risk and I have no wish to receive them. This is even more important given the recent PGP-related vulnerability.
Please consider adding this feature. I believe it's vital for a service that aims at privacy/security. Thank you.
Somebody commented
I am active user of another privacy mail provider and it also has a plaintext feature for sending AND reading.
[Deleted User] commented
+1 for plain text, it's a must!
Greg commented
Plain text aids security. For example, it helps protect from malicious links.
TU commented
Please add option to process all email data using html2text. It shouldn't be too difficult to implement.
-> You might click on links, load images, execute javascript or some other code accidentally.