Pin emails
It would be nice if starred e-mails could be pinned to stay on top of all other mails.

holyvoiceofprotonmailusers commented
Please offer a subtle option in the interface to pin an email to the top of the inbox or respective folder. I find this is very useful in the desktop version of Outlook and really helps my workflow when distinguishing between subjects of a permanent topic versus transitory/one off conversations.
Joolz commented
Would also like this feature please
nix12 commented
optioin to make a message stick to the top
scubahalo commented
It would be nice to be able to pin and flag important messages to the top of the inbox rather than putting them in a separate folder (out of sight, out of mind, ya know). Sort of like how Hotmail/Outlook does it.
Anonymous commented
I literally wrote a blog post about how this feature is the basis of my task management system.
Anonymous commented
Agreed! I would like to be able to pin any email so that it stays at the top. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Like that we can keep in mind emails that we decide to answer in another time.
Mark Ritter commented
Yes! This is a feature I used all the time with the Outlook web-based client. Please give it serious consideration.
Buckaroo commented
Please add functionality to pin emails to the top of folders so they don't eventually flow to the bottom of the queue.
G commented
Sometimes it helps when i have reminders on emails or need to pull up an important email quickly and it's pinned to the top of the mailbox.
Arran Turner commented
I like the customisable colours/badges but I am sorely missing a pin function that saved my life on hotmail.
I've let a few emails slip through the net that I needed to reply to on Protonmail.
Perhaps this function exists and I just haven't seen it? I hope so! -
Geobomatic commented
Starring a mail feels a bit useless without this
Ken M. Haggerty commented
For me I would love the ability to pin emails from any view (separate from Starred emails) and those emails would always appear at the top (in reverse chronological order).
Adi commented
Still does not exist :-(
Adi commented
Any update about this very important feature ?
Artem commented
I heavily use this feature in Gmail. It allows me, for example, select all the unstarred mails in the view and archive them in two clicks. With ProtonMail I have to manually archive one after another, so I won't remove important mail from the view. That's exhausting.
Folders does not help here either, because if I move some e-mails to a folder, I will remove them from the general view. That ruins the whole point of starred messages.Miss this feature very much.
Raph J commented
To me this is a major missing feature.
I don't see how "starred emails" are usefull without it :
This is a feature of Inbox thatI would like in protonMail :
Mark an email to process later, and be sure I will remember it, because it will be shown at the top of my inbox.