Option to download all emails as single encrypted archive file.
It would be great to be able to simply download an encrypted archive of all emails for backup or migration or offline access.

LL BB commented
Looks like this is possible now:
https://protonmail.com/support/knowledge-base/how-to-export-emails-from-your-protonmail-account/ -
Eciov Resu commented
It would be nice to have the ability to download an MBOX archive of all emails directly from the webapp instead of having to install software to do so. It could include a password prompt for security. It could be limited to 1 download per month?/year? for free users and not limited for paid users, although my main concern is to have it available to paid users as an option to the current system.
Anonymous commented
I suggest we consolidate our votes into the following feature request:
https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483-feedback/suggestions/7198618-option-to-download-all-emails-as-single-encrypted -
Anonymous commented
Let's try and consolidate our efforts to get this implemented. See the following feature request:
https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483-feedback/suggestions/7198618-option-to-download-all-emails-as-single-encrypted -
Anonymous commented
We're coming up on the big 5-year anniversary since this feature was marked as PLANNED. Will it finally become a reality? At long last, let's let all ProtonMail users own their data! Please.
Matt commented
Much agreed. Though I've entrusted Protonmail to safeguard my data; I would really like the means to download my mailbox to an opensource format. Stuff happens, things break, companies suddenly shutdown, I'd like to insure I've further safeguarded myself.
Jeremy commented
Download as an encrypted file - an email could be sent containing a relevant key to allow decryption.
It's 2019 now.
Anonymous commented
Has there been any progress on making this available to those with subscriptions? I would like to be able to backup my files to my external hard drive in case something happens to your company and we are unable to get to our emails
Angus SF commented
Any further movement on this? August 2015 is a loooooong time ago in Internet time.
Anonymous commented
Now with ProtonMail Bridge, free users' messages are being held for the ransom of a paid account. This does not make new users feel comfortable or secure.
Anonymous commented
NS commented
Protonmail should provide a means of downloading emails en masse to an offline backup, perhaps in an encrypted archive that may be decrypted and decompressed into a format that may be read by apps like Thunderbird or Outlook (.pst or .eml).
To prevent freeloading, it can be made available only for paid subscriptions, and to enhance security, it can have encrypted download as a default setting, but it needs to be available. Without that capability, I find it too risky to make Protonmail my primary email.
Anonymous commented
Guys, we really need some info/comment/statement here as this is essential feature (it's definetly not nice to have).
- We'd like to keep our own backups (or copies)
- We don't want to be locked and depend 100% on one service/solution providerAs you are Open Source and mention here and there about freedom, you probably know...
Any plans to work on this?
Cliff Edwards commented
This is an ESSENTIAL. Planned 2015? Its now 2017?
Using Protonmail as main mail client depends on this for us.
When is this happening please. -
mallam jato hasan commented
I thak God
Diane commented
Planned in Aug 2015?? So when is it HAPPENING?
Anonymous commented
Could you add this feature:
Download emails as .eml archives.A feature I saw in Autistici Inventati email service
download commented
Hello PM - I up vote this since I have already used up 1/3 of the space.
Thank you in advance, -
Mantic commented
Great idea
Nik commented
I think this would not only be a great idea but at some point this mailing system might seem antiquated without it