Split address mode - separate emails into different inboxes
Separate email addresses are for separate things so it would be helpful to just click an email address from the menu and see only those emails sent to that specific ProtonMail address.
Multiple inboxes.

We are reviewing this idea to get closer to a clean inbox for all our users. We will let you know once we have more updates
Massimo commented
Unfortunately bridge doesn't help me because the labels become folders. I hope the feature will be available on webmail soon.
Massimo commented
Noh Ware - I don't use bridge and didn't know about this interesting feature. For me it would be very useful to have this function also on webmail (and of course on Android)
Noh Ware commented
Proton bridge can make that with the split mode. But it's fundamental that the android app should make the same thing, and for now it can't.
JP commented
The ability to view separate inboxes would save me so much hassle I use each address and alias for a different type of mail/purpose.
Anonymous commented
This is the only thing I'm not liking so far. If I had separate inboxes I'd be happy.
DanB commented
This is such a fundamental and basic feature. I was not amused after signing up for so long, to find everything got dumped into one place from multiple email addresses. Even using Outlook, the way it duplicates all the folders against each email address, means your scrolling and scrolling for ages. Fix this issue and your hands down the best email service provider - especially using it with the VPN, Drive and Pass services.
[Deleted User] commented
Very inconvenient when the purpose of multiple addresses is to keep things separate. We need to be able to see each account separately. Add a box at the top where the gear icon is that just lets you switch between them.
AV commented
Bought unlimited subscription, thinking to use separate inboxes for separate aliases and create mails for domains. Very inconvenient that all gets in one inbox folder. I'm somehow regretting it and somehow hoping this functionality will be added asap.
Massimo commented
Any news for this indispensable function? Thank you.
J commented
I own and operate a small business; I am the only employee. I have about 10 email address I need to monitor. Currently I am using labels to visually indicate to which address(es) an email was sent. Otherwise I would have to first open an email to see which address(es) received the email.
A simple fix is for Proton Mail to display the recipient email address(es) in the main inbox view.
Sophia Dorfsman commented
I have multiple addresses connected to my account, linked to my domain name, however, I would love if these could exist as separate inboxes. Right now, every email I receive gets flowed into the same inbox, the content associated with different addresses is grouped together. Can you please make it possible for me to only see the mail going to one address at a time?
JIBJAB commented
Am using bridge with outlook with filters & folders for SL aliases but need separate mailboxes for proton addresses. Thanks! JT
Kevin LeRoy commented
As others have mentioned, this is vital! I purchased the unlimited plan thinking the 15 addresses I got were able to be separated. Frustrating that you cannot. Please get this going ASAP!!
Craig commented
This is a vital feature for me. I have 4 aliases plus syncing with my gmail account, and I have no way of telling who the email is TO without going into the message. At the very least, add a column on the inbox to be able to sort by TO. Ideally it would be nice to assign a colour to each alias or account so you can easily see which account it is to (like you can with Spark). Thanks.
MMS commented
I’m eager for this feature! I thought this was how Proton worked and it’s one of the reasons I bought an upgraded plan. After fully switching over, I found out I was wrong. I tried to manage it by using filters to sort e-mail into folders, one per address, but never could get it to work on my iPhone, iPad, or MacBook Air.
Red commented
Please add my vote for this feature.
Olivia Wright commented
Hi Proton Team, is there an update about this feature? I signed up assuming that the 15 inboxes would be separate - after a lot of hassle setting up my first domain, I'm stunned to see that all emails end up in the same inbox! I will cancel my Proton mail and maybe return in the future if this has been sorted.
Anna Seraphima Haley commented
I hope you get on this soon bc you all are losing customers!
Anonymous commented
This feature is absolutely critical!
I just bought two years of Proton Unlimited thinking that I obviously would be able to have separate inboxes for all my mail addresses.
I was shocked when I discovered this is not possible, and I now regret spending money on this service.Edit: I realize this was a bit harsh. I don't really regret moving to proton, I was just very disappointed. Keep up the good work that you do, and I hope to see this feature in the future. :-)
Joyce Petrich commented
I wish to add my WISH for separate inboxes for each of the different email addresses I have or choose to have in the future. Please! ;-)