Split address mode - separate emails into different inboxes
Separate email addresses are for separate things so it would be helpful to just click an email address from the menu and see only those emails sent to that specific ProtonMail address.
Multiple inboxes.

We are reviewing this idea to get closer to a clean inbox for all our users. We will let you know once we have more updates
Chuckw commented
For users who have multiple such as myself, we need the ability to list and use each one individually. Currently, they can all be added but each shows up as the primary account, not the actual account. using the "ALL MAIL" option is not helpful and is very cluttered and confusing. I move one to trash and it still shows in the ALL MAIL tab. It's all very confusing to us new users and it will send people back to where they came. We need the ability to visibly see each individual account and use each account individually. If I want to check each one separately, I need to be able to do that. I see this has been an issue for several years now that has not been acknowledged or addressed but it needs to be in order to make your product more user friendly and attractive to potential new users.
Anonymous commented
separate inboxes for each address seems like a simple much-needed no brainer. even the quite limited apple mail has options for viewing all or each inbox. HUGE help with organizing emails!
Anonymous commented
separate inboxes for each address seems like a simple much-needed no brainer. even the quite limited apple mail has options for viewing all or each inbox
Tim Farah commented
Absolutely a must. Seems to be a basic feature that isn't here.
Anonymous commented
virtually every email program allows you to separately view inbox for each email address, in addition to the general inbox-why not proton?
Anonymous commented
I agree with the above comments. I just assumed this capability would exist when I signed up and actually quite surprised it doesn't exist. Its a must.
Chris commented
While ProtonMail Bridge allows to switch between combined addresses mode and split addresses mode, the iOS app only offers the combined addresses mode.
Since the multi-user features is now implemented, I would love to see split addresses mode in the iOS app. I have 10 addresses for one user and would like do split them amongst different devices.
Anonymous commented
There is already the same, but older request, see "There needs to be a separate inbox folder for each email address". Please vote there because there are more votes jet, so the request have more importance.
Disappointed in Visionary commented
Right now if you have one account with multiple addresses, you are forced to view it all in one inbox, with on screen indication of what email address is receiving any given email, until you open it. Please make it show which address is receiving an email, and more importantly, give users the option to view the inboxes of each address separately, like Gmail. Having inboxes for each address over on the left where the tags, inbox, etc are, with numbers showing how many unread messages there are would be ideal.
Holly Simms commented
I was very surprised that this wasn’t a given. I mean, It’s logical as hell. It makes so much sense. I see the comments are from 2016. What’s the holdup? I don’t mean that as a rhetorical question. Really, I want to know why that simple and sensible function hasn’t occurred yet. I’ve asked it in the past, myself.
Smiler commented
Thx, GOOD to know. WE upgraded but CAN NOT "MANAGE" any other email ONLY the 1 original. How do you add an alias? KEEPS saying WE need to UPGRADE again to "PRO" or VISIONARY !!! WE just got PLUS & VPN mo-to-mo for $12us ... however only 1 address NOT 5 like it says.
Mark commented
Totally agree. I don't see the point of separate user accounts if everything still gets dumped into a single inbox.
alias commented
The options listed on the plus account certainly implies this ability, but it seems the 5 email addresses you get are actually just aliases. Super lame, a bait and switch deal if you ask me.
And the aliases are no more that a stupid way to sort your email responses. Who needs that, maybe a parent who wants to control their kids email or something. I dont need that crap.
Just give real email addresses that are stated to come with a plus account.
Barney commented
This is really needed!
Anonymous commented
The bridge works fine, but I use mobile about 20 times more frequently than my computer. I also don't want to use the bridge, due to the fact that it means downloading emails to my computer, making my computer the weak point in the security link, unless I jump through extensive hoops to encrypt my system drive as well. I'd rather work 100% in a secured environment.
Sarah commented
I agree, I just upgraded through the black Friday special today and then I discovered this flaw, it's not a small flaw, this is huge! What's the point of having alias emails (for different purposes obviously), then they all wind up in in the same inbox!
Anonymous commented
The mobile app is where I use Proton the most, and it's impossible to filter by only one alias unless it's set as my default. This is probably the only thing that keeping it from being a gmail replacement for me.
trymeout commented
This can be with the bridge, but I will like this for the web client and mobile apps.
Kelly commented
I give out different alias email addresses for specific reasons, but they seem to all end up in same single inbox!
There's A LOT I love about Protonmail & ProtonVPN, however one of the main reasons I became I Paid user was to due to the alias addresses. But what is the point if they all end up in the same cluttered inbox?!?
PLEASE consider this simple convenience for your customers, or if it's just me I would greatly appreaciate help on how to seperate them.
Thamk you. Sincerely, Kelly -
Eric commented
I have multiple emails/domains and recently switched from G Suite to ProtoMail. I'm liking it for the most part - but the biggest annoyance (albeit I may be missing a setting?) is the lack of organizing features. I hate that my personal email I use for webmarketers is next to my official personal email with my name which is also next to my dating app email, etc. There should be a way to color code emails by address or choose an icon for each address. You could do many different things to solve this.