Rclone support
iGadget commented
Seems Rclone is currently on Proton's shitlist... Pretty disappointing. No official client by Proton for us Linux users is bad, but not even allowing solutions provided by the community is just a **** shame.
https://github.com/rclone/rclone/issues/7864 -
Stephan commented
Just tried out rclone protondrive backend, got stopped by abuse detection. Anyway, this would require an app token similar to what's in place for smtp submission for protonmail.
ptl469s commented
Linux users need a secure way to sync files.
Brian J. commented
This would be an *enormous* value-add. It would render all other cloud storage platforms in my personal workflow redundant. My most anticipated feature if Proton gets on board with it.
HcrZZ commented
As a Linux user I need a secure way to backup files to Proton Drive. I would prefer to use a tried and trusted tool with encryption support such as rclone or borg.
MiddleEarthTR commented
I regularly use rclone on my Google Drive it is an incredible app which would boost the capabilities of Proton Drive a lot.
dave commented
This is critical, I want to use upgrade my account and use proton for mail / drive / vpn but cannot at the moment because there is no way for me to sync my files (primary OS is Linux).
Giving limited support to the RClone open source developers seems a no brainer; it is popular, cross-platform and robust. At the moment it looks like they are trying to sort bugs (example below) caused by essentially having to reverse engineer the proton drive API:
https://github.com/henrybear327/Proton-API-Bridge/issues/3 -
David Martins commented
In few words, an secure API will be great to upload files over CLI on Linux / Unix using RCLONE
MiddleEarthTR commented
I am a Proton Unlimited ProtonDrive user.
I currently use rclone for Linux on Google Drive and it automagically works syncing my files from desktop to cloud. Please add rclone support in the next release. Very important for offsite storage. -
Julien Gracia commented
this feature would be useful. I used to do backup of my documents with rclone. Thank you.
Ali Sherief commented
As a Visionary user (this email address is attached to my Proton account), I want this feature as well.
Although I have access to remote desktops with high network speeds, I want to automate the collection of some data for a project of mine so that 3TB of storage actually gets put to work.
Torontál commented
Agree. To execute things "manually", using a GUI app or the web interface is not always a solution. Should be supported also the CLI way and scripting, wich can be more effective, simple and fast.
Troy Kelly commented
Documenting the API for drive is critical. Nobody wants to waste time reverse engineering how it works so that we can actually use our storage
Simone commented
In order for this to work, a public API is needed.
Patrick M commented
To either enable integration to Rclone or perhaps to develop a linux dedicated package to get better control (security is priority)