Proton Calendar on Mobile
Love that you guys created an encrypted Calendar - but what's the point of it if the only way to use it is to log in on the PM web version? There is no sync, no push notifications, and worst of all it's not available on mobile.
I think most of us use calendars on our mobile devices.
So PCalendar should either have a standalone app, or at the very least be integrated into the PMail app.
Better yet, is there any way to integrate/sync calendar data into a device's other third party calendar app?
For example, I've been using Fruux to keep my contacts and calendars in sync on multiple devices. I can add a calendar event in, say, Android's native calendar app, then it'll sync up with Fruux, and push that event on to ALL my other calendar apps (Fantastical on iOS, Thunderbird's calendar plugin, etc etc etc).
Thank you
Anonymous commented
set calendar notifications for iPhone! too easy to miss calls/meetings! Also, allow the users to set the defaults for calls vs meetings e.g 1 hr alert before a call; 1 day and 4 hr alert for meetings, sent to my phone or email
MrO commented
+1 for protonmail Calendar on IOS.
Also throw in free 1 year VPN service as a good will gesture.
Thanks, keep up the good work! -
Andrew commented
Anything at this point would be great for iOS and iPadOS, but Proton really needs to have a Proton ecosystem and one app to control them all would be AMAZEBALLS!!! Please make it happen! I love what Proton is doing and I am dying to give you all the support I can. I want to transition my wife’s company and my family to utilize all your services, but as it is this is not feasible.
Andrew commented
Anything at this point would be great for iOS and iPadOS, but Proton really needs to have a Proton ecosystem and one app to control them all would be AMAZEBALLS!!! Please make it happen! I love what Proton is doing and I am dying to give you all the support I can. I want to transition my wife’s company and my family to utilize all your services, but as it is this is not feasible.
Ben M commented
I'd much prefer a single app for mail, calendar, contacts, drive - much like FastMail do it. I don't need or want separate apps. This would also play, very nicely, into the new Proton ecosystem idea!
Michal Mikee commented
Please, is there any news on Proton Calendar for iOS? Is there a release date?
dolgeneral dgme commented
I couldn't be able to found any thing like the way you are launching an app on iphone store,
[Deleted User] commented
Now ProtonMail can remove your account for inactivity! Please help people to fight against this changes. Vote here: -
AS commented
Hi ! I clearly will subscribe to Proton when this feature will be available.
N commented
Indeed. Now we have 3 email domains but after over a year the calendar app is still only avalable on Android. Way to prioritize smh.
Belinda Wilcox commented
Is there anyway we can even import the protonmail into another client? I can't see how we can be paying for a proton subscription when we can't have the calender on our phone?
Daniel Needham commented
This is a must have feature. Please give us an update on the progress. You want to provide privacy for us, but we are forced to use google calendar until you get us the iOS calendar.
Sarah commented
I’m adding my voice to this. Please confirm a planned eta!! Waiting soooo long.
Charles Séguin commented
J'aimerais aussi un calendrier natif ios. Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de prendre ProtonMail si c'est pour l'associer a une plateforme des GAFAM. C'est contre intuitif de ne pas pouvoir voir mon horaire/client sur le terrain. Ensuite j'aimerais le même service sur une application native sur ordinateur windows/mac niveau ergonomie mais la priorité reste tout de même ios. Pour ce qui est du web, j'ai rien a dire c'est excellent.
Identified Call10 commented
Nice post author. Thank you. Keep it up. This article is very informative. It is very useful for me. Kindly share more articles with me. I shall be very thankful to you. :-)
Borge Indergaard commented
My renewal is coming up but i wont renew this time since this simple feature seemingly never will be out of beta. Im really tired of having to forward calendar invites to an icloud account manually, and then use icloud for calendar events only. Come on already, we’re paying for this.
William McGinty commented
I would welcome a status report from ProtonMail on this.
anna commented
Would love a ballpark idea of eta so we can plan around it. I so appreciate you but the dead silence on this issue is not inspiring confidence...
Slobo commented
Hey Proton Team, at what stage is the development of the calendar app for iOS? This should not be so difficult task and I believe that many users are waiting for that. Can you give us some details regarding the timeline?
michael noth commented
I won't use proton much longer till calendar for iOS is out. I would even do two-year subscription and it seems a lot of people feel the same. I do value protons privacy practices and would love to stick with them.