Sharing a calendar using existing contacts
I would have 3 proposals related to the sharing of the agenda:
- Allow to share one of my calendars with another ProtonMail user present in my contacts.
- Allow to invite another ProtonMail user present in my contacts to participate to an event.
- Allow a specific ProtonMail user in my contacts to edit one of my calendars.
This is very useful for example when your spouse is not available to know if she will be available at a specific date and to define a date with someone while inviting her to this event.
This can also be valid for employees in the company
Translated with (free version)

Sharing a calendar is available on Web.
On next iterations we would like to enable the editing permission on mobile apps and add in the future to only share the "busy" information
Janine Venema commented
The only thing keeping me from moving to Proton rn is that you can share your calendar with others, but not allow them to edit it. I share a calendar with my partner in which we both put our appointments so we know when the other is busy or free. If this feature were to be added i would throw a lot of money at Proton.
Evan commented
Same as most below. My wife is an iPhone user and I'm an Android user. We've migrated to Proton for many things and this calendar feature would increase our buy-in with Proton.
Philip commented
Like most commenters on here, our family is also using half proton and half other service. We want to migrate fully to proton, but the ability to share calendars is what's keeping us from doing so.
Spazo commented
For edit, allowing multiple users in the calendar app would work as well. This is already done with the email app. How hard would it be for the calendar app?
MC commented
For business users, having an integrated team calendar is essential. Just like O365's Calendar, we need to share the events and a Scheduling assistant to find times when our team can meet.
Erik van Luxzenburg commented
It would be nice to be able to see the calendars from other people withing my "organisation" (which in my case is my family)
Sargon commented
I ditched google services but I miss them. The calendar is a very big part of my life and business. It needs a lot of work from Proton. Proton calendar needs to be integrated between platforms and apps. I am not sure yet but I think I have to share the same calendar every time I make an update to it. The ones on IOS at least, are not getting the updates unless I re-share it.
Oktay Acikalin commented
Similar situation here: My family is still on Google, and I'm on Proton. So co-editing my calendars or those of my family is a requirement. As of now, I would have to hop between Google and Proton apps :-/
Noah commented
In my opinion this opens to a lot of opportunities.
Having a calendar link which opens a GUI of this specific calendar to whoever you share the link to (protonmail user or not) would be amazing !You could be able to configure if you want to show the events or just if you're busy or not and have it password protected :)
Anonymous commented
I strongly agree that this feature would really be beneficial to be able to share calendars within couples, groups, friends, workgroups, etc. I hope protonmail considers adding it soon between proton users.
Josh Leslie commented
I agree with everything you said, Mickey. The only thing I will add, is that while I have fully migrated to ProtonMail and ProtonCalendar, my wife still uses Google Calendar and Gmail, and I suspect that will be the case for many ProtonCalendar users who need to share a calendar with their partners/spouses/loved ones. Or Outlook 365, etc. So please consider this as you further flesh out the shared calendar features. While it is an understandable hope, I don't think it is a reasonable expectation that all of our respective loved ones will switch to Proton simply because we have.
Mickey Mullin commented
My Proton Calendar will remain entirely unused until full sharing (including write access) is implemented.
I fully support iterative development, and I appreciate that there is a secure calendar option for those who use their calendar solo, but I personally will have to wait until I can share a calendar with my wife to be able to use this.
RT commented
Agreed. My wife & I share a calendar, which is essential.
Nate commented
It looks like similar suggestions have been made since July 2021 or earlier. This is a critical core feature for any family or couple looking to use Proton Calendar. I cannot start using this product or even consider a paid plan until it is possible to either create a jointly managed calendar, or at least allow full edit access to my personal calendar to another Proton user.
Di commented
So, only 3rd item has not been implemented yet (edit access for an entire calendar). And yeah, it is critical for successful transitioning from Google Calendar.
Bob Downie commented
Agree, critical facility. When I signed up to Protonmail I kind of took this for granted. Protonmail is fine apart from this.
Dave B commented
Agreed, this is a must. I would not call this "sharing" as that describes simply allowing others to view your calendar. What I want is to be able to collaborate with others on a calendar where I, as the admin, can set what my users can do. For example I want to control my users' ability to View, Edit, Create, Delete, Share, etc. calendar events and tasks. It will take this for us to leave our current calendar.
DefiCzech commented
For me and my family is this feature a must have.
Gee commented
This is a must! My calendar is practically useless unless I can share it with my wife and kids...
David commented
This is a must. A calendar without sharing is quite useless, especially for multi-user accounts.