Edit events with participants on mobile
I need to be able to edit an event on mobile that has participants. This seems like a very strange, arbitrary decision that I assume was a scope cut to get the mobile app launched. I can appreciate that, but this just feels broken. Please fix this before adding NEW functionality.
Hard to believe I couldn't find this already posted. If I missed it, let me know so I can put my votes behind an existing idea.
Markus commented
Tested it again on Android app with my wife. No, doesn't work yet.
No possibility to edit the entry or propose new time. -
celibacy040 commented
Looks like it has been implemented recently. No more error message when I try to edit an event with participants.
JD commented
After about a week of using Proton Calendar it's surprising how underbaked this app is, considering that it launched years ago and Proton is pushing (and pricing) their Unlimited plan as a full-featured replacement for the major mail/calendar/cloud platforms.
Security is great but you can't expect people to switch to a platform that lacks basic functionality, and "editing your events" is about as basic as it gets for a calendar app.
Markus commented
I wanted to switch fully to proton mail and calendar with my wife, but without the possibility to edit and move recurring events and events with participants on mobile app, it's useless for me.
Mark O'Kane commented
I'd view this as a bug as it should be a standard feature for any calendar. It's stopping me from using proton calendar for my business.
Marco commented
Yes, the lack of the ability to edit event in the iOS Calendar app is, at best, confusing: why?
It is a pretty basic requirement (how many meetings do you have with yourself?) and it has been missing now since forever, and it would be really nice to have it.Currently, either I need to be back at my laptop, or open the calendar app in a mobile browser; that seems pretty inconvenient.
Daniel Miksik commented
Forged, you can vote for your idea 1) here: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/932842-proton-calendar/suggestions/47305580-create-event-in-shared-calendar-from-mobile-app
Adam commented
I was surprised too when I made Family calendar and found my wife was unable to edit. So, I added another Family calendar on her side, which I cannot edit. We have now 2 family calendars. One is placed by Proton in OTHER CALENDARS (her) and I cannot choose the one to add event except Family (in MY CALENDARS) I see she has Family made by me in her Proton OTHER CALENDARS. She cannot add event there either except to one she has in HER CALENDARS. It`s ridiculous! We both are added to each other Family calendars and both have set Allow Edit, but of course CANNOT be edited on Mobile or Mac Beta App). One can edit ONLY when logged in on browser. Still, to have 2 calendars for the same purpose is ridiculous.
Also, there is no push notification when one add another. No badges either.
I use extensively Protonmail and Calendar Beta on Mac. Love it, but... -
Forged commented
The iOS app is working perfectly for me EXCEPT;
I only have 4 things I have found I miss multiple times a day:
1) the ability for everyone sharing a calendar to edit that specific calendar (currently only the creator of the callendar has that privilege)
2) the ability to change the calendar that an entry is filled under
3) being able to search for an entry/keyword - works on desktop, not on iOS
4) add calendar entries off line in the app to then update when internet available
Fix these, it would be perfect for me/my family