Proton Calendar
707 results found
Save Events from other Apps in Proton Calandar
Many apps e.g. train apps such as DB allow me to save events to my calendars. If I click on it a list of my calanders is shown e.g. Apples and Googles. It would be nice if I could select the Proton Calender here as well.
I have the feeling this only works if the calender is part of an added account, which I can not do for Proton.
9 votes -
Customizable View
I would like to select certain calendars for a view and have it saved. For example, three of my calendars make up my schedule and I want those selected for a schedule view. Then I have three task based calendars for when I'm working and I would like to select those three for a tasks view. Then I could toggle back and forth between the different views depending on what I need to see and have the correct things selected with fewer clicks.
2 votes -
Change Notifications for a meetings so that I can choose 3 of them one 2 hours in advance, second 1 hours, and 3.10 default
Change Notifications for a meetings so that I can choose 3 of them one 2 hours in advance, second 1 hours, and 3.10 as default setting as it is important to join meetings I book.
Study if SMS can be used as notification as that is immediately reach instead of email.
1 vote -
Web app left side bar month view: highlight dates with events
The tiny month view in the left side bar of the web app lacks the colored dots highlighting events, as seen on the similiar month view in the Android app when in split screen.
1 vote -
Option to show sunrise, sunset and moon calendar
Depending on where you live in the world and the work you do then this function may be more or less important.
In gmail calendar it is easy to add these two calendars to your personal calendar:
1) a calendar that mark the sunrise and sunset time at the top of each day
2) a calendar that marks the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon and last quarter moon2 votes -
Mexico Public Holidays
Please add public holidays for Mexico in Proton Calendar: votes -
A application like
"Book appointments into your calendar via secure online form. Attendees can confirm or cancel their appointments via an email link."
Have a nice day5 votes -
fill the background of the event text with the color of the event, so its more visible
Instead of showing a small amount of the event color, to the left of the event name, can we have the event color fill the background of the event its more visible.
2 votes -
Quick add event by holding down on date.
When using the "monthly view", it would be great to be able to hold down on a specific date, to quick add an event on that day. Instead of having to press the + and scroll through the dates.
2 votes -
Enable a way to identify a calendar containing events
I want to reassign and update/edit all the events that I brought over from my old Yahoo calendar. I THINK I have updated them all, but I am not 100% sure. How can I tell if that calendar is now empty (before I delete it)?
2 votes -
Keybindings for web
It would be very helpful to have some keybindings on the web/desktop app, as for example in Google Calendar
1 vote -
German Holidays in german
PLEASE translate the (german) holidays!
I did it for you:
1.1. Neujahr (New Year's Day)
6.1. Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany)
20.3. (24) Frühlingsanfang (March Equinox)
29.3. (24) Karfreitag (Good Friday)
31.3. (24) Ostersonntag (Easter)
1.4. (24) Ostermontag (Easter Monday)
1.5. Tag der Arbeit (Labour Day)
9.5. (24) Himmelfahrt, Vatertag (Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, Father's Day)
12.5. (24) Muttertag (Mothersday)
19.5. (24) Pfingstsonntag (Pentecost Sunday)
20.5.0(24) Pfingstmontag (Pentecost Monday)
30.5. (24) Fronleichnam (Feast of Corpus Christ)
20.6. Sommeranfang (June Solstice)
15.8. "Mariä Aufnahme in den Himmel" or " Maria Himmelfahrt" (Assumption of Mary)
22.9. Herbstanfang (September Equinox)
3.10.…2 votes -
The range of colours for different calendars is too limited. Please include at least a yellow and a grey option. Thanks!
4 votes -
Edit notifications associated with events in Proton Calendar Android app
I am using the Android app, and if I edit the details of an existing event, the notifications associated can only be edited if I delete the notification and add a new one. Whereas in the web app on my desktop browser, when I edit an event, I can edit each aspect of the notification individually without having to do it all over again. I would prefer the Android app to work similarly to the desktop web app in this way.
4 votes -
Import Google Meet details from Google Calendar
Google Calendar events may have (proprietary?) meeting details, in my case specifically about Google Meet, that currently seem not get imported.
2 votes -
Missing in the time zone (+1GMT) the capital of Croatia, Zagreb which is in the EU too!
In the time zone settings (+1GMT), the calendar does not include Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, on the list of EU cities! On the list of capital cities in the EU, which are +1GMT, there is, for example, Serbian Belgrade, which is not in the European Union! Do you discriminate against Croatia and favor Serbia?
3 votes -
Private invites
I couldn't find this in the list of existing posts. When we send out a meeting invite, we'd like to be able to manage it as a group of recipients but those recipients should only see their individual invites. We don't want recipients to see the entire email list.
We could hide it behind a mailing list but then we can't see who has accepted the invite and who rejected it.
4 votes -
Have the icon in iOS for iPhone show the current day and date of the month.
One thing that is nice about Apple's Calendar app for iPhone is that it displays the current DAY and DATE of the month. This is a nice feature as you can simply glance at the icon, without opening the app to know what the date is.
9 votes -
Show more events per day in month view on iOS
Month view on iOS on smaller phones (iPhone 8) now only allows to display two events for each day.
Google Calendar, in comparison, shows up to four, which is much more practical.The month view should be optimized for practicality:
- the day numbers and its margins are unnecessarily large. They should be reduced to a minimum.
- the space at the top of the screen can be optimized as well. There's quite a large gap between the name of the month and the actual calendar grid. This blank space should be minimized so that the space for events is…2 votes -
PLEASE Add a biometric or Pin lock to the iOS Calendar app!
A biometric or pin lock to keep events in the iOS calendar private is critical, without a lock the app is completely unusable
9 votes
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